2- New Friends

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Long chapterrrrrr

•3rd person•9 years•

Peter wakes up. He wakes up at the same place he's been waking up the the past 7 years.

One of the cells in a HYDRA base.

He slides off his bed... yes a bed. Now you may be wondering, why does he have a bed? Isn't HYDRA a second hell?

Well for the past 9 years Peter has been trained to obey the rules. And he has been because he knows the consequences if he doesn't obey, the consequences being torture.

He completes every mission with no failure, which earns him a better living space.

Most would want to leave HYDRA at this point, but Peter doesn't.

"I see your up," a guard says.

Peter glances at him before drinking the last sip of water of water he had left.

"Boss wants you to meet some new people around your age, he says that you'll make a great team for the next upcoming mission."

Peter walks to the cell bars and looks at the guard.

"The next mission must be taking over the world then, because I do just fine by my self," Peter says.

The guard rolls his eyes as he opens the cell up.

"Follow me," the guard says.

Peter follows the guard to a room.

He opens the door and four other teenage-looking people sat on chairs.

"This is 'Winter spider' but call him 'spider', he has spider-like abilities," the boss says.

All the teens looks at him.

"Hi," one of them says.

"Hi?" Peter replies.

The boss stands up and tells spider to sit down.

"Everyone, introduce your self," the boss orders.

A teenage female stands up and speaks, "I'm super sight, but call me eagle. I have abnormal sight, but it's great help for missions. I'm also pretty good at fighting." She sits back down and amother female teenage stands up.
"I'm low voltage but call me shock. You might have already guessed that I have electricity power, i don't really know how to explain my powers but I'm useful." as she sits a teenage male rises.
"Lucky strike, Uhh call me strike. If you give me a gun, tell me to shoot someone, I never miss." Last but not least another teenage male stands up, "I'm mind strike, call me tele. Weird name I know, but I have telekinesis, and I can also mess with people's minds."

"And you five are going to make a wonderful team," the boss, Adam, says.

"So what's this mission?" Spider asks.

"First, you are all hoing to train together in the training room and Before we start the huge mission, you all need practice working together on a mission," Adam says. "So we will start off with a simpler mission, you all need to pretend to be students. Go to school at 'New York high' and keep a lookout for a student named 'Ava Kennedy', she's an intern at the Avengers head quarters and we can use her for information."

He gives them each a com. "After training, use these on thr mission to communicate with each other, work as a team. Casual looking clothes are in the uniform room, guard Spencer will take you there once the training session is over."

"Mission accepted," Spider says and the team agrees.

They all stand up and walk out the door with Adam. They are lead to the training room. In the training room there is a huge room and a two-way mirror where Adam watches.

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