6- Taken And Full Of Lies

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•3rd person•HYDRA•


Spider opens his eyes slightly.


Spider turns his head towards the yelling, he sees Adam yelling at the other four. They didn't say anything.

"No, no don't yell at them. I told them to go," Spider manages to say, trying to protect his friends.

"And the four of you listened.... one of the first rules of being part of a team is to never leave someone behind, even if they tell you to," Adam sighs. "The four of you will be locked in the small cell, no food or water for three days."

"No it's not their fault Boss," Spider protests.

Adam gives him a glance before he walks off.

"I'm sorry guys," Spider sighs.

"Spider it's okay, you're safe," Eagle smiles.

They all exchange smiles before the four walk off.

Spider stills feel guilty, but there's nothing he can do about it.

•at the HQ•

Steve calls a meeting in the meeting room once the power is back on.

He gathers up all the avengers.

"So we all know Tony has been taken. Fury is available to call so we will do so now, Nat share all the information we have," Steve then Alerts FRIDAY to call Fury. She done as she was told.

"Avengers, anyone got any information to share?" Fury asks.

"Yes, we know there are five of them, two girls three boys, like you said. They are obviously highly skilled in fighting and creating plans. There was an attack last night and they took Tony. The one we had most trouble with was the Spider one though. We were planning to capture him for answers because the others left, but he got away." Nat informs Fury.

Fury nods, taking in all the information.
"When and if he comes back, make sure you do get him. Do anything you can to capture him." And with that Fury ends the call.

"You heard him, be prepared," Steve says.

•HYDRA•1 hour•

"So that's it? I go by myself?" Spider complains.

"All you need to do is show them the message then run off, you'll be fine," Adam says. "But... if they do manage to capture you make up a whole new story. If they ask about the base, say we're at the Brooklyn one. Tell them fake things and pretend to be on their side, and at the perfect moment, take them down or escape. If you're not back in a matter of a month, I'm going to send out help for you, got it?"

Spider nods.

"Because it's day, put on your other suit." Adam orders.

Spider walks out the room and into the uniform room.

He puts on baggy black pants and a black plain shirt. He also put on a Black hoodie. He tied a black banadana around his mouth, which only left his eyes being revealed.

He places pocket knives in his secret knife compartments.

He grabs the small marble-like ball. It has a button on top of it and if you press it a video shows up.... a video of Tony being tasered and held in a cell. This will hopefully lure the avengers to the base.

He walks out of HYDRA and starts shooting his webs from building to building.

He lands on the HQ roof and looks in front of him. There stands the short blond hair man, Natasha and Clint.

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