5- Attacking

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•3rd person•

The team of five teens gear up. They all dress in their nightly suits. (Imagine how they look however you want cauz I'm too lazy for describing, sorry)

They collect guns and secret knifes. Sights for the guns and small bombs.

"Alright we leave in 20 minutes, does everyone remember the plan?" Spider asks.

"Yes, capture Stark, get out and bring him here," Eagle replies.

"Sounds too easy," Tele laughs.

They all nod at each other and pick up the last few things they'll need.

•20 minutes•

The team hop from building to building, they split up and land on different buildings.

Spider brings his hand up to his ear, speaking through the com: "Alright Eagle, do your thing."

Eagle activates her advanced sight.
"4th floor, they are sitting on lounges playing something called monopoly, Stark seem to be in a open spot but surrounded by the others," she reports.

"We have to lure them outside, Strike stay here and when you see Stark outside, shoot in a place that won't kill him, but make sure he can't get away. I will then take him. Shock you will have to do your thing with the electrical box," Spider explains.

They all agree with the plan and sprint into action.

Shock and Spider jump to the HQ roof.
They begin searching for the electrical box.

When they find it, shock sends out electric rays towards it.

"Did it work?" Shock asks.

Spider then uses his enhanced hearing.
"I'll go check the box," a male voice says.
Spider nods and looks over the edge of the HQ.

He sees a short blond walk out the door.
"Damnit it's not Stark," Spider informs the team.

"Take him down anyways! It will catch the attention of Stark and maybe he'll walk out," Eagle says.

"Risky but let's do it, everyone get ready to fight," Spider says.

Spider jumps from the roof and shoots a web for the man's legs.

Eagle and Tele jump from the buildings and start running towards the HQ.

Spider pulls the web he shot, causing the man to fall down.

"The hell?" The man shouts.

The avengers inside the HQ notice and start quickly gearing up.

"Crap I can't get the armour!" Tony says. "FRIDAY is offline."

Spider hears this, because of the enhanced hearing, and smiles. "Guys Stark can't become iron man without the power, this is going to work out better then planned."

Spider's spidey sense went off. He looks behind him and moves to the side as he was shot at with an arrow.

"I thought you never miss," Spider teases as another arrow is shot at him.

"First time for everything," Spider shrugs.

Spider is about to attack the arrow guy when he hears a gunshot.

"WE GOT HIM! MOVE OUT!" Strike yells through the com.

"Gotta run, bye," Spider says before he sprints off towards the tower.

He sees Stark on the roof and jumps up to him.

"Good job Strike," Spider says.

Spider was about start taking Tony away when his spidey senses starts again.

He looks up and sees a flying guy coming towards him.

He ducks, making the bird guy miss him.

"Tele! Get Stark!" Spider yells.

Tele jumps to the roof and lifts Tony up using his telekinesis.

The bird guy comes flying in again.

"Tele go!" Spider yells.

"But what about you," Tele asks.

"Just get everyone out of here, I'll catch up."

Tele glides down from the roof. "Guys we gotta run."

"What about Spider, he's being attacked by a flying bird guy!" Eagle says.

"He said go and he'll catch up," Tele says.
They all exchange glances and start to run off.

"Only one of them still here, the others took Tony," Natasha yells.

"Well capture the last one, we'll ask him or questions some questions," Steve says.

The flying guy swoops in and tried to catch Spider.

Spider keeps dodging, deciding on what to do with him.

This time when the flying guy flew in, Spider jumps on him and snaps off the wings.

"Bye bye birdie," Spider laughs as he shoots his webs at the HQ.

He crashes through the glass windows and lands.

He sees the guys falling from the sky.

"I need to go," Spider whispers to him self.

"Not so fast," a voice says. Spider looks behind him and dodges an incoming needle.

"You wish," Spider says as he punches the guy to the ground. He picks up the needle and jabs it in the guy's neck. "Karma's a bitch."

He stands up and smashes through the opposite window and lands on the ground.

Before he gets to leave, his spidey sense blare again.

He looks around only to be met with an incoming arrow.

"Aren't you gonna give up on that? You aren't doing very well," Spider says.

"You're right, but this time I didn't miss!" The arrow guy yells.

"It literally on the gr-" Spider was cut off when he sees the arrow snap in half and something starts coming out of it.

"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT," Spider yells as he starts to feel dizzy.

Spider turns around only to be met by Steve's punch.

"Spider, you have to get out of there, shoot a web to the top of the building or something!" Eagle says over the com with full worry in her voice.

Spider holds his head, still feeling dizzy and now in pain. He looks up in the corner of his eye and catches a high building.
He lifts his arm and shoots his web, which takes him away.

"No he's getting away!" Arrow guy yelled.

"We can see that Clint!" Natasha yells.

Spider lands on top of a building.

"Spider where are you?" Eagle asks.

"I-I don't, don't know," Spider says, eyes feeling heavy.

"I swear to god you you blank out!" She yells. "Just stay with me, I'm looking for you."

That's the last thing Spider hears as he blacks out.


The story only gets better from here 🥳🥳😁😁

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