11- The Park

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(This is gonna be a short chapter, sorry)

•3rd person•Park•

When Peter arrives at the park he immediately freezes. To him, looks so familiar. But he has never been there, right?

The avengers get out the car along with Peter. He sees the slides, swings and lots of people walking their pets or walking with their friends.

Peter has this sudden urge to go to the swings. He walks over to them and sits down on one. He doesn't know why he is lured to the swings.

The...the memories. The memories are flooding back into his mind.


"Ready to fly Petey?" Ben cheered as he lifted Peter on the swings.

"Yes!" Peter squealed.

Ben started pushing the swing and Peter started laughing.

"This is so much fun!"

-end flashback-

Peter sighs and takes in the memory. He actually remembers something. How he remembers? No one knows.

"Hey kid," a voice from behind says.

Peter turns around and sees Clint, who is about to sit in the swing next to him.


"You Alright? You seemed so excited to get here and now you look depressed," Clint says.

"Oh nah, I'm fine."

"No your not, I have kids of my own and I know for sure that wasn't a real 'I'm fine'," Clint says.

Peter let's out a small laugh and turns to Clint "well I was excited to get here because it sounded so familiar. I remember the fun?" Peter says in a questioning tone "and now I remember something about Ben who I'm pretty was my uncle. He was pushing me on the swings."

"So y-OH MY GOD WATCH OUT!" Clint squeals like a little kid, pointing at a spider on the ground.

Peter laughs and kneels down beside the spider. Then he remembers something else.


Glowing spider.



"Run pretty spider."

-end flashback-

Peter shakes his head and picks the spider up.

"What the f*ck what the f*ck what the f*ck!" Clint screams.


Peter laughs again. "It's only a spider Barton."

Peter then thinks up an idea and runs over to Tony.

"MR STARK LOOK!" Peter cheers.

He opens his hand which reveals a spider and Tony squeals just like Clint did and Bruce jumps away from it.

Peter laughs again.

"Oh my god, how the f*ck are you holding that," Tony says.

"It's only a spider, and to answer your question I was bitten by a radioactive spider, gave me spider powers and now I guess I can hold a spider," Peter smiles.

"Well cant you ju-GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" Tony squeals. Peter starts laughing and almost falls to the ground, he placed the spider on Tony's head.


"Jesus Christ calm down, it's only a spider," Peter chuckles.

He takes the spider off Tony's head and walks away with it.

"Well guess we could just...I don't know, go on the swings again?" Peter asks the spider.

'Okay Peter stop talking to it because you look like a total fricken idiot' Peter thinks.

Peter takes the spider off his hands and into a tiny bush on the ground. He kneels beside it, "run pretty spider."


Sooo the funniest thing happened at school.

In Australia we have house groups at school, each house has a different colour. Mine is purple and the teacher suggested a purple  mascot.

I then called out Thanos and the teacher said 'who?'

Before I could answer the teacher another student who I don't know called out "why would you want him to be the mascot? He wiped out half the universe, including dogs, and killed Gamora,"

Then my friend _Jay_Nay_ said "but if he is our mascot we can all cosplay the fricken avengers and other marvel hero's or villains,"

At this point the teacher is still confused and another teacher was getting annoyed about our talking so I finally explained to them who he was by saying "he is a giant purple grape with a yeezy chin and a yellow glove with a stone collection,"

Teacher 1: "and why would he be a good representative for our mascot?"

Me: "he has a fricken stone collection and he is purple,"

The random student: "HE KILLED GAMORA!"

Teacher 2: "stop yelling,"

_Jay_Nay_ : "ya he also killed Loki and Vision But doesn't mean anything,"

Another random student: "bitch Loki means everything,"

Me: "agreed, Loki is the definition of uwu,"

The random student: "then why do you want him to be the mascot?"


Then 'the' random student ignored me for the rest of the time. The teachers also disagreed with me. It was depressing but funny.

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