Anti Virus

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Cry was beaming with a smile as he walked down the halls with the Professor.

Workers were saying hellos and good mornings to them. Few kids passed by at times with parents. Kids were only allowed if they were the experimented ones like Cry was or they were the higher workers children.

All youtubers Cry knew had started out here to learn, but he didn't remember Pewds or a couple others starting there.

After a trip up the elevator they made it to the labs cry remembered too well.

The professor's other daughter Cyber sat in an office chair nearby and gave cry a small wave. Cry waved back to the three year old smiling.

"Here it is.." The professor said stopping infront of a large computer screen attached to an even larger tube. He pressed the start up button and the tube spouted a few bubbles inside.

"What is it..?" Cry questioned not understanding what he was looking at.

The professor answered his question by pressing another button.

A series of orange pixels slowly went from the computer to the inside of the tube, slowly forming into a small figure.

Black shaggy hair, light skin tone, little hands and feet.

Cry's eyes widened at the figure in the tube.

A baby.

A two year old baby.

It was curled up floating in the liquid contents of the tube and some few pixels.

But how? How could a baby be made from cry when Mad and Virus were both the same age as him. Cry wasn't a small two year old. It didn't make sense.

"I call him, Anti Virus. He's made of the exact things Virus is I calculated only opposite. Like a virus and malware." The professor said looking at Cry.

"W-whys he.."

"Virus I figured out from all your gaming data was made two years ago. Only had time to adapt to get to your age. And once he got to your age he was strong enough to break from the games you played." He explained.

Cry put his hand on the tube as he stepped closer. Anti Virus opened his eyes.

Bright green.

"He doesn't have an exact human body like Virus could form, it will take me awhile to do that. But I just simply need his data to defeat virus without needing actually him." The professor continued, "And in order to form a human body for him I need two sets of DNA. He already has half your DNA but that's not enough to support his system."

"Oh.." Cry mouthed the word. Another person, he couldn't name anyone but one person off the top of his head. "How about Pewds...?"

"Felix? Pewdiepie?" The professor questioned, very confused. Cry nodded. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah...I mean if he will agree of course. But I don't think anyone will agree besides him. He wouldn't care probably." Cry was blushing under his mask though the professor or anybody else couldn't see.

Cry hoped deep down Pewds would actually agree.

Cry looked back at the tube at Anti Virus inside. The small malware was slowly stretching his fingers as the little pixels absorbed into his body at times, as if a life source.

Looking away, cry looked down between him and the Professor at the little girl who rolled up in the office chair. "Hey cybs." Cry smiled crouching down. "Ain't seen you in a long time." He ruffled his hand through her long brownish black hair.

She gigged, "Hai Cry."

Cry chuckled. He stood back up and looked at the professor. "So what am I supposed to do now?"

"Well, it might be safe to stay here in the Laboratory for awhile, or at least In the country of the UK till it's all over."

Cry remembered that if he was at the lab he had to if been in the UK. YouTube corporation and the lab were close in business together but were a whole ocean apart.

"W-what about my family in Florida?"

"I have informed them of the incident, they understand and will wait for your return."

Cry nodded sadly. He didn't like that he was away from his familiar. But he was glad it was somewhere he knew fairly well.

The Professor nodded back and walked Cry out.

Cry looked over his shoulder at the tube across the room as they were walking out.

Anti Virus had his eyes locked on Cry the whole time before slowly turning back to pixels and going into the computer attached to the tube.

Deep down Cry felt the cries to be let out into the world and out of the imprisonment.

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