Stupid You Stupid Me

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"C'mon Mad! We don't have time for you to mess around."

Mad tossed the now unconscious ken to the floor. Ken had chosen the wrong words and Mad was punishing him for it.

"Alright alright...." Mad said. He scratched his arms, Virus made him wear a stupid red flannel shirt and he hated it.

"You look nice...don'tgetbloodonit." Virus quickly said the last part as he turned and begun walking, his face red. Mad rolled his eyes and followed.

Looking up and down at Virus, Mad noted what he was wearing. A simple blue tank top with a navy blue vest. Jean shorts and flip flops. Mad found himself glancing a little too long at Virus' rear, snapping his head up with red cheeks.

"What?" Virus said looking back.

"Nothing...nothing..." Mad grumbled. Walking faster to get ahead. But he found that to be a bad choice.

"Fuuuu~" Virus whistled low. "Those jeans look great on your ass." Mad jumped when he felt a sharp slap on his lower back and rear. Virus smirked and skipped ahead. "C'mon, let's hit the cafe!"

Mad was about to yell but stopped himself. Shook his head and resumed to follow the glitch.

They entered the shop casually. The only person to be tense was Mad. "I'll get us something..." He mumbled, going up to the cashier as Virus sat in a booth.

"What can I get for you today handsome?" The clerk said leaning on the counter.

"Uhm...just get me two coffees and a couple glazed donuts..." Mad said flicking a twenty bill at the cashier. "Keep the change..."

"Alright, your number is 5."

Mad nodded and went back to the booth. But stopped when he saw something off.

A girl was sitting across from Virus.


With him.

It made Mads blood boil for some reason.

He thought fast and walked over, bumping Virus aside in the seat to sit next to him.

"Hey, babe, what's going on?" Mad said, not taking his eyes off the girl.

Virus felt his face go blood red and looked at Mad in confusion and shock.

The girl let out a disgusted grunt before exiting the booth and leaving.

Mad scrambled over to the other side and sat silent. Virus rubbed his arm, pure red in the face.

"So..." Mad coughed slightly. Virus grinned slightly. Mad questioned him with a puzzled look. "What?"

"You were so jealous."

"What?" Mad said glaring.

"Oh nothing..nothing at all..." Virus mused as he rested his chin on his hands. Mad grumbled looked away from him.

The waitress brought the coffee and donuts over once it was there order. Virus took a bite and hummed at the sugary taste.

"You like?" Mad raised his brows. Virus nodded, of course he did. It was his first real sugary dessert. Mad chuckled. "Good I guess..."

They sat in silence for awhile till Virus couldn't help but laugh at Mads disgusted face once sipping the coffee. Virus seemed to love the coffee for he had no problem finishing Mads.

"So where do you wanna go next?" Virus said, his knees pulled to his chest in the booth as he rested his head atop. Mad shrugged.

"Maybe this is enough today. I don't want the hostages to get too comfy without me being there." Virus pouted.

"All you care for is to kill Crys friends." He stated before moving swiftly from the booth out the door. The bell atop jingling lightly.

Mad sat in silence for a second before rushing after. Pushing through the crowd of people walking in he made it onto the sidewalk finally. Slowing to a stop upon seeing the glitch standing.

Mad walked up behind Virus and stopped once a foot away. Virus was looking at the ground with his arms crossed, clearly pouting. This made Mad chuckle to himself.

"You act like your a stupid female."

"What!?" Virus squeaked looking at the madness.

"Pouting and being moody."

"Hmph. Well you're acting like a jerk."

"How so?"

"Being yourself."

"I am called mad you know right?"

"Yeah, but not 'Jerk'."

Mad put his hand to his face and tried not to laugh. "Alright, I'm sorry."

"You're forgiven."

"Oh now that was too easy."

"You're too easy."

Mad was about to grab him but stopped himself. He laughed lightly. "You cheeky bitch."

Virus grinned and raised his brows, looking over his shoulder he begun sashaying down the sidewalk. Mad rolled his eyes and followed.

"There goes your hips again."

"It's called walking."

"It's called looking like a fucking idiot."

Mad laughed until he bumped into Virus who had stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

Virus didn't answer. But Mad could follow his gaze. He followed it to a guy and girl kissing not to far off by the road.

"Gross..." Mad sputtered. But noticed Virus looked saddened upon seeing them. Mad stood there awkwardly for a bit till he gripped onto Virus' shoulders and forced virus to look at Him.


Mad leaned forward, closing his eyes till he was close to feel the others breath.

"Alright Mad. Time to come out."

Mad sulked in the straight jacket. He sat in the containment unit that was used the first time to remove him.

It had been a week since he was captured by the lab. A week since Virus had been gone.

"Just get it over with...."

Jupiter and the Professor pressed the buttons along the computer as the rays of light flooded the room behind the glass.

Mad hissed slightly, but let it all happen as he kept those blue eyes in his mind.

The last thing he wanted to remember.

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