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"Search over there!"

"See anything?!"


Mad held Cyber close against him as they hid amongst the garbage. Shining lights of the flashlights would often go by and Mad would move lower. Then once they were gone he moved back up.

Once the coast was clear, Mad jumped from the trash and went to the nearest exit. Sprinting out and down the hall. It wasn't easy for him to run while carrying Cyber.

Everytime he looked down at Cyber she would look up at him. Flashing her blue eyes. And a few blue pixels would envelope from her hands that gripped to his hoodie.

The alarms going off made it hard to hear his own voice as he cursed. Seeing a gate going down at the exit out.

"STOP!!" He could barely hear the yell, turning and seeing Jupiter standing with Cry.

Cry sprinted after Mad. Mad glared and tried to move his feet to go faster. With a final leap, Cry took Mad to the ground.

As they fell, Mad turned over with Cyber still in hold. Cry sat up on him and went to punch-


Cyber shouted. Holding out her hands at Cry, gripping his arm that was holding onto Mad. Blue sparks shot from her and it sent a Burning course through Cry.

"AAH!!" He yelled, moving off and holding his burnt arm.

Mad scrambled to his feet and to the door. The gate covered half way already so Mad kicked the door open and crawled out with Cyber in hold. Escaping out into the open.

He didn't stop running. Mad kept running till he made sure he was very far in the woods of Brighton, away from the Labs.

Then he stopped at a tree stump and sat Cyber now. Collapsing in a sweating panting mess amongst the grass.

"Jesus...." He breathed out. Wiping his forehead and closing his eyes.

He heard movement towards him and opened his eyes. Seeing Cyber looking down at him, her hair falling forward. She smiled and sat down beside him.

"...kid you better start explaining..." Mad sighed.

She sat silent for a second. "Cyber...." She said quietly. "My name...is cyber..."

"...cyber huh?" Mad said ruffling her hair. "Call me Mad..."


"N-No. Mad." His face flustered slightly.


Mad put a hand on his face and sighed. "How old are ya?" She held up three fingers. "Three? Okay...I was gonna kill you kid, till you showed me uhm...that blue pixel..."

She lifted up her hand to him slowly. Upon closer inspection he could see small burns, and blue pixels along her palm. "He did it to me..."

"He?" Mad said confused. "He who?"

"The man, this way..." She said standing. Cyber begun walking and Mad hurried to follow. Deeper into the woods they went.


"Aaagh!!" Cry shouted. The medics were tending to the burn and it hurt like hell to Cry. He tossed and squirmed trying to pull away, but the guards held him tight.

"It shouldn't scar." the medic said wrapping it. Jupiter nodded. She gazed out the door that was kicked open earlier.

"Cyber...." Jupiter whispered.

"How did she get in there? With mad I mean." Cry whimpered. Jupiter shrugged.

"I can check the cameras..."

"Well let's go."

The two walked into the security room as the camera watchers were checking each screen of each floor room.

"Bring up the activity of Cyber for the day." Jupiter said sternly. A few workers nodded as they brought up the image on the large screen.

The screen fast forwarded through every room Cyber was in. Going through her basic day of being in the lab of following her father around. Then it begun showing her exiting the room where she was, walking down the hall by herself. Stopping at a door she opened it to reveal a familiar figure.

"No way..." Cry breathed out.

The figure seemed to slowly disappear and Cyber held out her hand, catching a falling object. She seemed to glow then for a second. And then made her way to the elevator and to the floor where Mad was being destroyed. She almost knowingly found her way to the right door and walked in.

The guard that put Mad in the room just mere minutes before the incident had walked out. Not seeing her hiding beside the door and clumsily closed it, her foot stopping it.

The video stopped as Jupiter rubbed her head. "Jesus this is a disaster..."

"I can't believe it..." Cry whispered, leaning on a desk.

"What did you notice..."

Cry looked at her then at the table. "That guy...looked like me....i think it was virus..."

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