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Mad rolled over in bed. Which wasn't normal, he was used to feeling a body there by now. He sighed and sat up.

"Viruuuuussssssss..." He whined.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat?" Virus mocked back, obviously now in the bathroom.

"Nevermiiiinnnddd.." Mad plopped back in bed. He was about to fall back asleep when.

Knock knock knock







Mad groaned and rolled off the bed. He shuffled down the stairs. Once at the door he slowly opened it.

"Can I help---"

He was caught off guard when he was suddenly lifted into the air and spun around. "WHAT THE!?!?"

"Ah! Madness! It's been too long!"

Mad looked down at the exact clone of him, except for eyes, mask and the stitches. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!??"

Mad pulled out the knife he kept in his sweat pants and stabbed down. The blade went right through the clone as it turned into a mist. Mad landed on the floor and looked around.

"It's sad you don't remember me. Seeing how I'm part of you." He heard from behind him. Only to turn and see no one there.

"Who are you??"

"I am wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony."

"...what?" It took Mad a second to think. "Wait...those are the sins..."

"Exactly. I am Devil. Devil Cry."

Devil appeared In front of Mad who took a slight step back. The golden eyed man grinned and cupped Mad by the chin. "The more dangerous version of you dear..."

Devil slightly pecked Mads lips which sent Mad into a freak out. He shoved Devil away.


"Why should I? Isn't there another clone here? Helloooooo?" Devil said making his way up the stairs. Mad went after him and pulled at his vest.

"Oh no you don't! Get out!"

"I'd rather not. Besides. Don't you want help to get rid of, Cry?"

Mad paused.

Devil climbed up and sat on the stair railing. Watching Mads expression. "Your friend doesn't want to. I can help you. Then you can live fine."

Mad closed his eyes thinking it over. "I'll think about it...but you may have a yea..."

"Then why wait? You can sign.." Devil pulled out a paper, "now and then make up the rest later.."

Mad stared at the paper. He wasn't sure. Some freak of another clone just coming and now offers help but has to sign a contract? Eh why not.

Mad went to grab the paper but he got a paper cut. A single drop landed on it as he pulled away fast. "Ow!"

"Thank you." Devil said stuffing the contract away. Devil slid down the railing and went to sit on the couch. Mad watched him for a few seconds then hurried to the bathroom where Virus was.

"Virus!" He said knocking.

"I-I'm busy!!"

"Doing what!?"

There was a long silence. Then the door slightly opened and Mad finally got to see Virus. His face was pale and he smelt like he had been getting sick all morning.

"Woah, what's wrong with you..."

"Uhm...j-just a stomach virus-I mean flu...stomach flu..."

Mad raised an eyebrow. "Uhm...okay...come down when you can.."


"The Devil is in our living room."

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