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Five hours.

Five fucking hours.

Sitting in the same chair in front of his old mirror in his moms house.

Cry growled as The professor applied the last of the foul content to his face

"There! Done!"

Minx chirped as Felix giggled lightly from across the room.

Cry sighed and opened his eyes.

He almost had a heart attack at the sight.

His skin was a darker tone then his normal light. His hair a pink hue and more neat and tied in a very short pony tail at the back of his neck. He couldn't recognize himself.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt...." He held out the vowels as he scrambled to grab his mask. He strapped it on as Minx and Ken walked over to look.

"Pfft..." The two tried to hold in their laughter, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Cry blushed underneath his mask, which now had a smile and closed eyes instead of the normal poker face.

Felix walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey I think it looks fine. As long as it goes with the plan right?"

"Yeah, thanks friend."

"Now give me a smile!"

Cry crossed his arms and gave a sarcastic smile. Pewds could only see it from his mask not covering his full face, making him laugh.

Cry chuckled as he stood up. He looked at Felix and couldn't help but question something. He seemed to be acting different the passed few days. More shy, but only around Cry. He shrugged it off and would ask later.

"Alright, I believe it is time I begin getting Anti virus prepared." The professor said walking over to his computers he set up on Crys old desk.

Minx walked over to her suit case and popped it open. Inside was an assortment of guns and knives.

"How did you get those on the plane?" Ken asked as she pulled a rifle out.

Giving a smirk she tossed it to him. "As you guys say, I'm a good terrorist if needed."

"Remind me never to go through a metal detector with you..." Ken mumbled causing cry and Felix to laugh slightly.

Minx each gave them a gun and several knives, attaching them to their legs and arms in case needed. Cry had two simple S&W model 500 pistols. Felix got an AK-47 that fit perfectly in his messenger bag without being noticed.

Cry noticed Felix gulp in fear while holding the gun. "Hey." He said putting a hand on Felix's shoulder. "It's gonna be fine. After all this is over everything will be back to normal.

"I sure hope so, friend..." Felix shuddered. "I sure hope..."

Cry smiled. "What do you say about going to kill some bitches?"

Felix paused. "I say you get a manly hair color to be saying things like that you gay Hikaru!" Felix snickered ruffling up his hair.

"Y-you jerk!! I can't believe you watch that anime!!"

Felix stuck out his tongue before running out as Cry chased him to get revenge.

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