Coming home

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Two days later from the attack

Cry rushed into the hospital. The plane hadn't been landed for twenty minutes and Cry had ran out of the airport to the hospital.

"Miranda Terry! Allie Terry! Nathan Terry! Are they here??" He shouted once reaching the counter.

The women behind the desk was startled and pointing in the direction of the room.
Cry nodded and ran to the room.

He shuddered at the sight.

His own mother was on oxygen, Iv and hooked to an heart monitor. It's slow beeping calmed him to know she was alive. Across from her bed was Nathan, he had a shoulder wound and his knuckles were broken from fighting back.

"M-mom..." He barely whispered. She opened her eyes and looked in his direction.

She flinched at first, then after a second relax. "R-Ryan?"

"H-hey mom...I-it's me...oh gosh...I-it's my fault this happened..." He said sitting down beside her bed.

She reached her hand out and he took it. Miranda gave him a warm smile. "It's not your fault son..." she said weakly. Cry hung his head.

"I-I couldn't have protected you..."

"You would've been killed knowing you sweetheart..." She chuckled. "Always picking a fight like your father did when we were young...he always carried his pistol around with him, now a days you get arrested that way..."

Cry let out a little laugh, they never talked much of his father. Mostly because he left when Cry was really young for another women.

"Nathan's asleep, but Allies okay, she's in the waiting room with the baby."

Cry nodded in understanding. He heard the door open and looked towards it.

"Ah Professor!" Cry stood up as the Professor walked in. "Mom, this is the Professor from YouTube Corp and the lab, Professor, this is my mom."

He nodded with his eyes closed, "Nice to meet you ma'am, it's rare I meet my test students parents-..." He stopped when he finally saw the women.

Miranda eyed him up and down with wide eyes. "Miedel...?"

"You two know each other?" Cry said confused.

"That's Mr. Miedel...and yes, from long ago.." The professor said turning away. "Cry I'm going to examine your Brothers wounds, could you please leave us?"

"Sure.." cry nodded and walked out.

"Is she alright Cry?" Felix said making Cry jump. "Sorry..."

"It's alright, you just scared me..and yeah she's fine."

Felix nodded in understanding as he went back to sit with Minx and Ken.


"It's nice to see you again-mr. Miedel..." Miranda said glaring at the professor who examined her son. "How's life been for ya?"

"That is none of your concern. I am only but your sons caretaker and nothing more." He glared back.

"So he's just mine?"

"Shut it."

"Oh no no, how is he just mine now, what happened to his father?"

"I said. Shut. It!!" The professor slammed his hand against the wall. She narrowed her eyes. Luckily Nathan was a heavy sleeper.

"Fine." She turned away.

"Hmph." The professor huffed. "Your son seems alright, doctors here can't be as trusted...."

She nodded and looked away. The professor pondered for a moment. With a deep sigh he stood and walked over to her.
"Hold still." He said putting his hands on her sides. She got startled and stuttered to figure out what he was doing . "Calm down, I'm just
Checking your wounds." He murmured.

She glared and looked away. He rolled his eyes and lifted her gown up to examine the wound. It wasn't deep but wasn't shallow either. Mostly cleaned up from the doctors and the stitching looked fine.

The professor chuckled. "What's so funny?" Miranda asked.

"I'm surprised you aren't dead or haven't been killed yet. All the crazy things you've done."

"You did half of them too ya idiot." She snapped, tapping the back of his head.

The professor shrugged and pulled her gown back down for her and check the heart monitor.

"Well, uhm, I best be going..." The professor said looking around trying not to look at just her.

"Alright, thank you Mr. Miedel..." She mumbled.
He nodded and exited the room.

"Sooooo~?" Cry startled the Professor. A grin plastered on his face.

"They are alright, all wounds are fine." The professor said crossing his arms.

"No I mean about your name! I've got the last name but you never have told me your full name, mr. Miedel~." Cry smirked
The professor looked away.

"That is private information that I do not have to give you. You've always addressed me as the Professor and so does everyone else."

"Your wife doesn't..." Cry grumbled.

"Family-...marriage arranged relatives are....different..." He paused after the word family as a look of regret spread across his face.

Cry pouted but shrugged. "So Mad and Virus are in the city?"

"Yes, and we will need to probably find them in a non-populated area. After that incident, your face will be known for the crime." The professor mumbled, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"How are we gonna do that?" Cry tilted his head.

Minx grinned from her chair behind them.

"One word..." She giggled jumping up.


"Oh fuck..." Cry gulped.

Ken and the professor busted out laughing while Felix just giggled. Cry couldn't help but
Laugh slightly as Minx dragged him along.

This was gonna torture the rest of his life.

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