Here comes the Rain: Final Countdown: Pt 1

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Devil and Mad made their way back to the lab. Luckily it was nightfall so they weren't seen by the searchlights.

Devil stopped outside of a door and waited for Mad.

"C'mon!" He whisper shouted. Mad rushed over, just barely missing the lights. "Man you're pretty slow..."

"Oh shut up!"

"Heh...maybe you being with that glitch is what makes you slow."

"I love Virus. Nothing to it."

"You sure showed it back there."

Mad stopped from reaching for the door handle. He felt a pain in his heart at the thought of how he reacted to Virus.

"You know...he probably doesn't really like you for you...probably just because he feels guilty..." Devil purred. Slowly turning Mad around. "Guilty that you were so damaged and he wasn't..."

Mad stayed silent. So Devil continued. "You two aren't such a good you and I on the other hand...are like one. I can feel your madness and it's amazing.." Devil got closer to Mads face. "You yourself are an amazing demon..."

Mad felt Devil brush his lips over his. But quickly pushed away. "Later..." He mumbled. Devil nodded and followed him inside.

Security cameras were every where. Before Mad could speak, Devil spawned several ghosts that misted up around the cameras. Mad didn't question it as he ran down the hall.


"Lock down." the Professor said when he saw the cameras all went out.

Red sirens wavered around the lab. All people were locked into their rooms. All domes cut off.

Cry pulled his mask over his face and loaded his gun. Nixon grabbed his new Exo-endo gun and followed Cry out of the room.

They walked to the connection dome to see utter chaos.

Demons and ghouls were flying around, tossing and throwing the guards everywhere. They laughed evilly and had no controller. The professor growled and pressed a button on the wall.


More guards came in, only these ones were more armed then the last. Nixon then hurried out of the dome and to the main lab. Cry and Nixon took the elevator all the way up to the roof. Feeling the wind cut by them and swirl around. Storm clouds loomed through the air.

"MAD. DEVIL! I KNOW YOURE OUT THERE." Nixon's voice boomed over the building. It didn't take long for the two to emerge on top Of the connection dome metal frames across the way. Devil sprouting out his wings.


Lighting blew through the sky as rain began pouring.

"Let's get this over with."

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