Flash back to meetings

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I walked out of YouTube Corp. Stretching as my back ached from recording so much so I didn't have to come back for awhile.

It was now day time since I started at 11 pm last night, probably was 1 pm now.

The breezy September wind blew around me as I put my hoodie up and adjusted my mask.

'What I'd do for some sleep now...' I thought to myself walking down the sidewalk. I had to get back to the hotel and then in the morning get my plane back to Florida. I haven't seen my family in awhile, maybe 3 years? I dunno, I was 16 then.

I sighed and looked up at the sky. A few birds passed by and leaves blew through the Colorado air.

Colorado...this place isn't like Florida that's for sure. Not even in an exact city. That would be too much paparazzi for YouTube Corp.

I was off day dreaming when-



A blaring car horn startled me as I suddenly was tackled down.

I groaned as my head throbbed from impact with the ground. My day dreaming must have led me to wander in the streets. Figures...

I watched as the car sped off then I was turned over.

My cheeks blushed as two firm hands grabbed my head.

"Are you alright??"

A dirty-blond man with crystal blue eyes stared at me with worry all over his face. He wore a black jacket around him, blue shirt, and jeans.

"Sir are you okay??" He asked again, this time slipping his fingers under my mask.

A jolt of panic rushed through me and I pushed him away.

"I-I'm sorry, b-but I'm fine." I said sitting up.

"Why would you just wander into traffic?? Are you crazy??" He said, a Swedish accent littered his voice.

"I was daydreaming...but thanks for helping me..." I said standing up. He stood up also and we moved out of the road.

"Hey.." He said pointing at my hoodie, "your a Youtuber!"

He must have been pointing at my YouTube tag on the corner of my hoodie. I scratched my head and nodded.

"That's amazing! What games do you play?"

"All kinds I guess...can't really name them off the top of my head.."

He smiled. I felt my cheeks blush.

"Maybe we can play some games sometime? I'm a Youtuber also." I blinked. He must be new. I don't remember seeing him on my floor either.

"Sure...just ask for Cryaotic or Cry and you can play some maybe..." I said turning away, "I gotta go now, see ya around friend."

I begun walking away till.

"Hey wait."

I turned slightly to look at him holding out a fist.

"My names Felix by the way, but my YouTube name is Pewdiepie, or pewdie."

I stared at him a second. Then extended my fist and bumped it with his.

He smiled wider and turned to leave. I smiled under my mask and turned the other way before walking off.

Who knew near death could help you find a friend like that.

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