You Really Are?

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"Is he waking?"

"I think so..."

"Lemme draw something on his face!!"

"No minx quit it!!"

"C'mon Sweetie just one mustache!"

"You two quit arguing!"

"He's awake! Look!"

Cry groaned and fluttered his eyes open. The voices of his friends not helping the splitting headache in his head. He reached up and touched his head.

He came in contact with an ice pack and looked at it confused. "W-wha..." Cry looked at his friends who were standing around him.

He could tell he was back in his room in the laboratory. But how he got their was a mystery to him.

"W-what happened..."

"You fainted..."


"You heard pewds was uhm...pregnant..." Russ said slowly. Cry rubbed his head, remembering.

"Oh...right...w-well where is he?" Cry asked sitting up.


The doors opened as Felix walked in. The room became quiet and the air became thick.

"Can you guys-"

"Bye!!" The group of friends said, wasting no time in leaving the two alone.

Felix closed the door for more privacy. Then walked over to beside Crys bed, sitting on the side.

"Uhm..." Cry said quietly, "a-about earlier..."

"I understand."

Cry gave a confused look. "What?"

"You don't want a kid...not yet at least..." Felix said looking at the ground. "I'll just...give it up for adoption--"

"What!?!" Cry nearly shouted. Felix gave a startled look. "A-are you crazy!?"

"What...? You said you didn't want a kid..,"

"Y-yeah! Before I knew you were pregnant!" Cry calmed down and a question popped into his mind. " did uhm...we...make a kid anyways..."

"Well it takes two people capable of reproduction then--"

"N-not like that!!" Cry said blushing.

" minxs...we kinda got thing led to another and boom.." Felix said pointing at his stomach. "I-I'm preggers!" He chuckled nervously. Cry finally actually looked to where he was pointing. Examining the swollen stomach from where he sat.

"I-I see that..."

"...Ryan. L-look. I understand if this makes you not want to be with me..." Felix looked with sadness in his eyes. Cry mumbled something before taking off his mask. He gripped Felix by the face and kissed him gently. Waiting on the swede to kiss back, and when he did he slowly laid him back on the bed.

Cry crawled on top of the blond, not breaking the kiss once. Slowly he pulled away. Looking Felix in his blue eyes. "I want to be with you..." Cry said deeply. "I-I want us to have this baby...b-but I want us to still get to know more with this relationship..okay..?"

Felix grinned, tears welling in his eyes but not falling. He nodded, wrapping his arms around Crys neck, pulling him back into the kiss.

They continued to just kiss for a minute until-

"Hey! You two done talking--"

Cry looked up towards the foot, Felix looking upside down. Scott stood in silent shock, his face red.

"I-I uhm....I'll leave you two be."

Cry and Felix begun giggling with each other once Scott left. A chill going up Felix's spine when Cry accidentally touched his stomach.

" really are preggers..." Cry said placing his hand fully on the stomach, gently rubbing it.

Felix sighed in content at the feeling. He hadn't felt such a rush of relief ever.

"C'mon, we should go to the others." Cry said climbing off him. Felix nodded and stood from the bed.

Felix noticed Crys mask, quickly handing it to him. Cry mumbled and thanks and slipped it on. But lifted it up to kiss Felix's cheek.

Felix blushed, but smiled and held his hand as they walked back to the lounge.

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