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A/N: Wow! 1 K views!? Thanks guys!

"C'mon!" Ken shouted, pushing them towards the back door exits. The professor had Virus in the box after shrinking it down, inside his pocket. Anti following.

The two only paused to look at the body of Mad laying on the ground. Then sprinted after the other four. Exiting the club through the ally, they heard the cops arriving at the front.

"C'mon! Let's get back to my house!" Cry said sprinting ahead. The thing he didn't realize was he was gripping onto Pewdies hand. In the adrenaline of the moment neither really noticed, but slowly, Pewds noticed and turned red.

He looked at Minx who smirked and winked at him. Pewds gulped and tightened his grip to keep from tripping.

They ran the whole way back to Cry's house. Which was several blocks across the city.

They busted through the front door and The Professor slammed it shut and locked it. The six panted and gasped for air.

Miranda walked in, slightly hobbling from being in recovery for her wounds. She tilted her head in confusion and wrapped her arms around her chest for she was in pajamas.

"Ryan? What happened?"

"We got Em mom..." Cry smiled. She eyed him confused. "Mad and Virus. Ken stabbed Mad and Professor has Virus."

"What happened to Felix??" She said rushing to him. He had wounds on his face from the scuffle with Virus but nothing too serious.

"I'm okay ms. Terry." Felix smiled. She nodded, then eyed both Cry and Felix. She glanced down at there still entwined hands and smiled, turning around and walking away.

Cry and pewds looked confused then Cry realized there hands and pulled away. "! Professor what's the next plan?"

"With Virus in capture I think I can terminate him now." The professor smiled.

Cry nodded and glanced at Anti. He was leaning against the wall, his cheeks looked burnt and his clothes were too. Walking over, Cry bent to his level.

" okay?"

The black haired boy looked up. "Oh...yeah..." He said looking away. Cry put a hand on his cheek, making Anti flinch, but look at him.

"Let's get those burns fixed up, k?" Anti smiled and nodded. The two walked out into the kitchen.

Felix smiled as he watched the two go out. Minx slung her arm over his shoulder, causing him to look at her.

"You feelin' okay?" Minx said, Felix nodded and looked down.

"Yeah...just gotta get these cuts fixed up. I'm just glad no one got super super seriously hurt...besides Mad I mean." Felix chuckled as Minx laughed.

"Yeah! We got those suckers in to bag! Hopefully now our lives can return to the normal insanity."

Felix nodded with a laugh, walking to the living room with Minx and Ken.

Meanwhile with Cry and Anti. Cry was finishing up cleaning the burns and putting gauze on them.

"So....Cry..." Anti spoke softly, "If anything...would you consider getting with Felix?"

Cry felt his face fluster. "W-what? N-nah he's straight-"



"He's Bi, I know this for a fact."

Cry felt his face heat up more. "I-it doesn't make a difference."

"Would you start a family..?"

"I dunno..."

"Get married...adopt-or have kids..."

"Guys can't have kids..."

"Actually some males can...if they never got rid of the female organs inside while developing into a male they could get pregnant..."

"And you know he's that way?"

"Most Bisexuals are.." Cry rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"What ever...all that matters is that Mad is dead." Cry smiled with Anti laughing.

"Oh? Am I?"

The room became cold as fear spread through the two. Cry was about to turn around till he felt a piercing through his back and his mind going blurry.

"Cry!!!" Anti shouted in fear.

Cry dropped to the floor as the red glow entered through every way of his body.

His mind staying dark as he could not think for himself.

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