Secrets must be revealed

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"Are you really??"


"I would never have thought..."

"So when are you gonna tell Cry?"

Felix blushed and looked down at his hands in his lap. Russ Money, Cry's closest friend from the late night crew was right. When would he tell him? How would he tell him?

Felix peered his eyes up at the friends who came all the way to the Labs to visit him, Minx and Ken. Russ, Red, Snake, Scott, and Raven. Mary had come too but she was cuddling with Ken across the room. As was Krism and Minx.

"Uhm...I didn't...plan that..." Felix whispered.

"Well you're gonna tell him right?" Scott said raising a brow. Felix nodded.

"Y-yeah of course, but I mean what if the Professor can't get Mad out of him..? Besides if they did get him out this morning, I'm sure Cry wouldn't want that stress put on him already..."

"That's stupid, it's Cry. For you he won't care."

"What do you mean, 'for me'?"

Everyone but Felix looked at each other and begun laughing. Felix raised a brow, confusing all over his face.

"You really haven't figured it out yet??" Red said as Felix shook his head. "Awwww! They are so cute! Unknowing affection! Pewdiecry!"

Felix blushed pure red. "W-wha-no-no! You've got it wrong, Cry doesn't like me back..." Does he? No. No way could he.

Felix pondered to himself while staring down at the now less noticeable bulge in his abdomen. The lab had gotten him to eat more so now his sides were back to normal. He found himself often having to swat Minx, Krism or Reds hands away from trying to touch it.

Felix was so deep in thought he didn't notice the shadow towering from behind him. Or the giggles from the girls and 'unnoticing' whistling from the guys.


Felix jumped nearly off his place on the couch at the sound of a person clearing their throat. He turned around and that's what made him fall with a thud to the floor. He instantly begun to protect himself, in fear of being attacked.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! It's okay dude! It's just me! Well I, me. Cry." The masked man smiled. Felix peered up slightly, more relaxed that Red had put a hand on his shoulder.

"Cry..?" Felix stuttered out.

Cry nodded blushing slightly. "Don't believe me..?" He said reaching for his mask.

Not taking it off, he barely moved it, enough to see blue eyes. The same blue eyes Felix remembered from that night over a month ago.

Felix leaped from the floor, and over the couch. Enveloping Cry in his arms, taking him to the floor from the blow.

"AH!" Cry yelped.

"It's you!! I can't-I'm so happy it's you!!!" Felix choked out, holding back tears.

Minx and Ken went over and wrapped the two in a hug. Cry tried to squirm free but they refused to let go. He laughed lightly and looked up as the Professor walked in.

"Am I interrupting?"

"Not at all sir." Cry said laughing.

"I've put Mad under a containment where he is in a deep slumber. Only If the door was opened would he awaken. But we are about to finally get rid of him so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Alright sir." The four said.

Once the professor walked out they stood up, minx and ken snickered when they noticed Cry and Felix were still holding hands.

When Felix and Cry noticed they jumped away from each other, blushing mad and not making eye contact. Cry looked at Russ and Scott. They both winked and Scott motioned for him to move at Felix. Cry shook his head but they continued to nod, even Red joined in.

With a sigh, Cry faced Felix. "Pewds?" He said capturing the swedes attention. Cry didn't have a problem motioning him the follow. Like a lost puppy the swede kept at his heels till they were in the hall.

Cry made sure they were completely alone. Then looked at Felix In front of him smiling. "How are you feeling friend?"

"I'm fine...could be better...but fine...what about you? You're the one who was in worse shape then me..."

"I'm fine now...upset about having to do that stuff to everyone...including you..." Felix looked down blushing.

"O-oh...well it's alright, it was Mad Cry, not you."

"Still..." Cry put his hand on the wall behind Felix, his other hand going in his pocket. "I hated it...I'm just glad I didn't kill you, or anybody else..."

"I knew you would never do that, Cry--"

"Call me Ryan. I think you've earned that right..." Cry smirked.

"Ryan..." Felix smiled shyly before continuing. " you're too kind...and had control from doing that I'm sure..."

Cry blushed and looked down. "I actually didn't really...but somewhat I guess." He chuckled.

They stood silent for a bit. Neither knowing what to say to each other for once. Normally they just cracked jokes and could talk so normally to each other. But now it was silence.

"Look I have to--" they both said in unison, causing both to laugh.

"You first..." Felix whispered while crossing his arms.

"I have to show you something..." Cry said obviously nervous. Felix raised an eyebrow, then looked in horror as Cry reached for his ceramic mask.

"R-Ryan wait you don't--"

But it was too late.

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