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Cry walked back to the medical bay where he was before. All the hurt youtubers were there who had been at the building. Max...Dan...Dave....Miranda...Bethany...Scott-Scott?

"Scott???" Cry ran over to the bedside that held his friend.

"Oh hey cry..." He chuckled. His head had a few bandages and by the wrapping it looked like his arm was sprained.

"Dude are you alright?" Cry said worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry bout me, how bout you? I heard all that happened.."

"Yeah...I'm fine...thanks..." Cry said looking down towards the floor.

"Ah hello Scott, are you feeling well?" The Professor asked walking over.

"Oh I'm fine sir, just a little sore is all." Scott said, totally cowering lower of the tall mans presence.

"That's good, good." The Professor nodded. He then scanned around at all the injured people in the medical bay. "It's such a disaster to see all this happen..."

Cry frowned as he followed the professors gaze. "Yeah..."

"Well, no time to mope now." He said. "Scott, you seem healthy enough to be let go so why don't you go to Ryan's dorm and stay with him."

His dorm? They still had Cry's dorm? "Oh alright..." Scott interrupted Cry's thoughts.

"Is that alright?" The professor said turning to Ryan. Cry simply nodded. "Alright, you two can go on and go. I have to care for my own injuries..."

Cry looked down and remembered the Professor limp in his step. Looking back up with worry in his eyes, Cry nodded.

The professor walked out as Scott and Cry went to the elevator. Pressing the button S-50, sending them towards the student floors.

"So did ya hear about Minx's party? Apparently she's still gonna go on with it even after what happened. She's planned it for a month." Scott started to make discussion.

"Yeah I'm going with Pewds and I bet Ken..." Cry said crossing his arms, "You?"

"Mm..nah, I might spend the night at Snakes dorm and play some video games..."

"OoooooOOOOH!" Cry smirked.

"What?" Scott said cocking an eyebrow.

"It's the snund! The ship! My ship!" Cry did a little dance as Scott turned blood red.

"W-w-what?? N-no!! It's innocent game playing! Left 4 dead 2! No snund and cut that out!"

"You can't deny it! You've crushed on him since we met!"



"SHUDDUP!" Scott said turning away. Cry began laughing to the point his sides hurt. The elevator doors opened and Scott sped walked out with cry following.

"Your one to talk ya know??" Scott shouted turning to Cry who was wiping tears from his eyes.

"Hehe...heh..what are you talking about now lover boy?" Cry said laughing slightly.

"Felix?" Cry froze.

"What about Pewds?"

"Don't deny it Cry. You like-liiiikke him." Scott smirked.

Cry turned red under his mask. He rubbed his arm slightly. Scott could read Cry well and frankly only Pewds didn't know about Crys crush.

"Heh...gonna have a few drinks with him? Which is worse? Video games or drinking?" Scott said leaning on his heels and toes.

"H-hmph...well at least I'm more experienced in dating then you." Cry said shoving Scott aside, who was laughing.

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"Some dude in high school...I can't remember his name. He left because they found nothing wrong to be tested for." Cry waved it off.

They walked to the dorm. Cry opened it with the keycard and stepped inside. Memories filled his mind.

When you walked in the kitchen was to the left and opened to the foyer and living room. An island in the middle with three chairs on the side facing the living room. A cozy chair and long black couch was all the furniture in the living room. A flat screen tv mounted on the wall with old game consoles on the tv stand. The dining room was to the right of the foyer and had a table for up to five. But on two chairs. A hallway went straight back and held a bathroom, coat closet and two bedrooms.

"Memories..." Cry whispered taking a breathe.

"Yeah..." Scott said sitting down on the couch.

"Makes me think back to when I first met all of you..."

"Yeah? Well you've never told me how you met peeeewwwddieee~!" Scott said breaking crys peace.

Cry smiled. "You wanna know?" Scott nodded. "Alright..."

I'll start from that day...

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