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Meanwhile in America

After the incident at YouTube Corporation, Mad and Virus had fled to a old run down cabin four miles away from the tower.

Mad rested in a torn and tethered hammock in one corner of the one room cabin. The floors had holes and moldy boards and the windows were broken. The ceiling was hanging with spider webs and missing many panels

Virus rested safety in a tablet that he had stolen from the tower. It was cracked from where mad just tossed it in the corner but still functioned.

In a short glitch he came out of the tablet and sat down against the wall.

Mad didn't move at the sound of him coming out or even at the presence of the other clone.

He moved at the feeling of eyes on him.

"What do you want." He snapped, not opening his eyes.

Virus turned his gaze away, his face slightly pink.

"Nothing." He managed to control his voice from cracking.

Mad let out a huff then rolled on his side, facing away from Virus. He reached down to grab the small bowl that was filled with water. He held it to his mouth and let the wet contents slide down his throat. He growled at the burning it caused on his still healing stitches.

Virus couldn't help but scowl at the slumping object in the middle of the room. Mad had decided to take one of the dead bodies with him as a food source.

The long dead man laid on the floor attracting flies. Few chunks were taking from his legs and he was splattered in blood. The smell was down right terrible.

"Disgusting.." He muttered under his breath.

"Excuse me that I don't eat computer food ads for food." Mad growled dropping the bowl back to the floor.
Virus glared at him. "And excuse me that I'm not cannibal."

"It's not cannibalism if your a glitch or a clone." He said falling back into the hammock.

"Uhm it still kinda is." Virus furrowed his eyebrows together.

"Hmph..whatever." He blew a strand of hair out of his face and grumbled.

"So...what's the plan exactly?" Virus asked.

"Same as before. We find Cry, and kill him. But along with the ones he loves."

"As Like his" Virus said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." Mad said sitting up. "Exactly! They all live in Florida so it's the perfect plan!"

Virus rolled his eyes. "Yeah but were in Colorado..."

"Idiot!!! Stupid!! We take a fucking plane!!!" Mad said jumping out of his hammock. Virus flinched at the sudden action, seeing the anger in Mad's eyes.

"Alright...alright..." He said reasonably.

"You can hack into some dumb computer and get the tickets, we will leave for Florida and finish off Cry's dumb family." He begun laughing maniacally. "Yes!! It's perfect!!"

He jumped over the dead body and ran outside laughing.

Virus watched him run out and sighed. He didn't think him being Mad, he would be THIS mad.

But virus didn't care as he pixiled into the device close to him.

He had strong feelings for Mad.

Even if they were one-sided and sane.

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