Do you?

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"Glad to see you could make it, Father."

Nixon walked into the meeting room. Jupiter standing by a white board. Some other men sat in the chairs, turning and looking at Nixon.

"You called for me?" He said. Putting on his serious PhD act.

Jupiter nodded, "I think you might wanna hear the plans on finishing off Mad and Virus."

Nixon took a seat next to a man not much older then him.

"Alright." Jupiter began, "we all know that it has been attempted numerous times to destroy of Mad and Virus. And I believe I have figured it out with help of my fathers notes."

"Didn't we completely wipe out Virus already? Isn't that what Anti Virus did?" The oldest man in the room said, furrowing his wrinkly brow together.

"Yes. Virus 1.0 at least. This Virus now is 2.0. A newer and more destructible Virus. Sort of like the first one was but no human emotions."

"You're positive?"

"Yes. And Mad is just an alternate version of Cry himself. Which means he can be killed normally."

"Then why hasn't he died before?"

"I suspect something is protecting his very existence. Something...supernatural."

"A ghost?" The youngest scientist scoffed.

"Not exactly." Jupiter crossed her arms. "More like...a demon."

"Now that is ridiculous."

"Not....entirely..." The professor said. "Cry has committed sins before...demons do haunt him...they could have transmitted to Mad."

Jupiter grinned, "what do you suggest, father?"

The professor stood, "I suggest we use a new invention I have been working on."

He walked to the white board and pointed to a blue print hanging on it. "The Exo-endo. A gun specifically built for destroying anything. When the ammunition hits the target, it releases energy quick enough to cause the target to implode into itself."

"So if it hits Mad. Not even supernatural powers could stop the scientific work of him imploding." Jupiter finished.

"What about Virus 2.0?"

"Simply. Anti Virus will do his work again. Then we use the machine on him too." Jupiter grinned. "So! Who votes we get this started?"

Knock knock

Nixon turned to the door to see Miranda standing. "Uhm...hold on a second Jupiter."

"What?? But we were-"

"I'll be back in a second."


Before she could finish he was out the door. She grumbled as her temper fumed.

"Tell me about Ryan's father." Miranda demanded.

"Not now Miranda...please?"

She pouted and crossed her arms. Nixon rubbed the back of his neck. "It's just...I can't tell you...and you know why.."

"I's just...can you tell me if he still loves me...." She said looking at the ground instead of him.

Nixon was taken back slightly. He didn't know how to exactly answer it. "W-well uhm..."

Miranda stayed silent. She didn't wanna hear the answer she feared. But then. She felt her chin being touched and was forced to look up at Nixon. His face suddenly serious.



Mad sat across from Virus on the couch of the cabin. Facing each other. Cyber in the middle.

Virus hadn't spoken a single word to Mad. No matter how much Mad spoke to him. It bothered Mad.

"Virus..." Mad said slowly. Virus raised a brow. "Talk to me...a-after I did act like it didn't happen."

"That display of affection has no concern to me. I don't show affection towards anyone." Virus said. Mad felt his heart sink.

"Then why did you drag me here..."

"I didn't want you to die.."

Mad felt his heart raise slightly, only to drop at Virus' next choice of words.

"I need your help killing Cry."

"That's all you care about now?"

"Wasn't it all you cared about?"

Mad felt a stab go through his heart and he looked away. Cyber looked back and forth between them. Then she slowly stood on the couch and placed herself in Mads lap. Mad didn't care anymore.

"I changed."

"As did I."

Mad growled slightly. "You became an ass that's what."

"What does that mean?"

"I fucking get sad and depressed that you died, then you come back and I'm happy and tell you how I feel. And you reject the feelings that I swear you had back."

"Feelings change."

"So you don't love me?"


Mad growled louder and wanted to kill Virus right there.

For his heart had completely shattered to an empty void.

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