A mad girlfriend

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*Sakura walks to the class*

"Ohh Sakura... Annyeong." Yuri greeted

"Erhmmmm.." Sakura response

"Aishhhhh this rude girl." Yujin rolled her eyes

Sakura dropped her bag on the table and put her head on the table as well.

"You meet Chaeyeon yet? She was so disappointed that you didnt show up this morning." Yujin asked

"Uhhhhhhhhh... Already met her down stair." Sakura responded

Wonyoung looks at the entrance.

"Chaeyeon-unnie is not coming to class?" Wonyoung asked

"She went off to meet Yena already, she will be here later." Sakura replied while facing the table.

"Ahhh." Wonyoung replied

At the moment, Choi YeDuck arrived.

"Hello guyssssss." Yena literally shout

"Yahhh... cant you just say it silently?Will it kill you?" Yujin throw a ball paper at Yena. The bell is ringing.

"Where is Chaeyeon-unnie, Yena-unnie?" Wonyoung asked

"Why are you asking me? How can I know, its not like I am her girlfriend. Ask Sakura." Yena

"But Kkura-unnie said Chaeyeon-unnie went to meet you." Wonyoung

"Nahhh.... I just came from the teacher's room." Yena

Sakura lifts her head and look at Yena, "Didnt you texted her, telling her to meet you?" Sakura asked

"What the hell I didnt text her, you might heard it wrong Sakura." Yena replied while making another paper ball and throw it back to Yujin

Sakura turned back as the teacher comes in. She take her phone and text Chaeyeon worriedly.


Where are you Chaeyeon? Class started. Sent 9:30am

"Okay guys welcome to 1st day of senior high school." Teacher

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh." Everyone cheers and some is making weird noise.

"Okay guys enjoy while you can, you will have harsh training starting from tomorrow. Have fun guys." Teacher leaves

As soon as the teacher leave, the class turned into the market. Its so damn noisy and loud.

Sakura pulls her phone out again.


LEE CHAEYEON. Sent 9:35am

"Chaeyeon still havent reply?" Yuri asked

Sakura just nods and keep looking at her phone and sigh off.



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