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Its been 6 months since Chaeyeon and Sakura entered college and its also been 6 months since they have seen each other. First few weeks of college, they mostly keep in touch alot through face time and texting but after 2 months they do face time like once or twice a week. Sakura is busy with her assignment and research while Chaeyeon also busy with her monthly exam and creating choreography. They dont really have time for each other and when they do, they would argue which caused them not to talk to each other about a week or more.

Chaeyeon is a type who does not love to make other worry about her so she would always keep all the stress she got to herself. While Sakura would always share what ever happened, to Chaeyeon. Sakura is a little upset at the fact that Chaeyeon does not really tell her whats going on at the college but Sakura is not a type who forced people to talk when they are not willing to talk. So the two ended up talking less and less and once they do they would argue at every little thing.

8:30am at a cafe near Kkura's university.

Minju: is that Kkura unnie? *whisper to her self* and then walk to Kkura who is busy doing some research on the internet.

Minju: UNNIE! *Minju called Kkura making her shuttle.

Sakura: uhhhh Minju-ah *Kkura turned to see Minju who is next to her and the two give each other a hug.

Sakura: Why are you here Minju?

Minju: Ahhh I came up to visit Yujin, since my acting class is on a break.

Sakura: Ahhhh, you are here alone?

Minju: yes unnie i am all alone.

Sakura: are you busy? If not come and sit here tgt.

Minju: sure unnie, i have nth to do too.


Sakura: ahhh its really been awhile since i have met you Minju, i really miss you and the other girls ><

Minju: yeah unnie me too, it would be great if we all can meet up some day. *making a sad face*

Sakura: hmmm, btw you are on a break now? That is
early, my college will be within 2 weeks.

Minju: yes unnie, my college is already on break, you didnt know? Chaeyeon unnie didnt tell you?

At the mentioned of Chaeyeon, Sakura gives off a little sad face. "Ahhh, I didnt know that, we are not in a good term lately so.... yeah...*giving a bitter smile*

Minju: *feel guilty* ahh im sorry unnie i didnt know that.

Sakura: nahhh its fine. *kkura give another smile* did you guys hang out? Since you two is taking the same uni there.

Minju: ahhh not really since we have different schedule, but i did spot Chaeyeon unnie a lot of times in the university.

Sakura: ahhh.

Minju: ...uh.....hmmm may i know what happened between you two unnie?

Sakura: uhmmm... well actually nth really happens, just we both really stressed out and we just argue and every little thing, also none of us really want to initiate the conversation.

Minju: hmmm, its really hard since both of you are apart now.

Sakura: you and Yujin too >< i feel like Chaeyeon has changed now >< she is the not the Chaeyeon i know >< before whenever we argue, she would be mostly the first to initiate the conver, but now even i am the one who initiate first, she still give off a short reply >< im trying to understand that its hard because of college but i feel its a bit too much. *Kkura tears up*

Minju: *patting Kkura's back*..... i am not sure if i should tell you this.....

Sakura: huh? You know sth Minju? If you do please tell me because i dont want this relationship to go in vain ><

Minju: its not that i know sth, its just....i have notice that they bright Chaeyeon unnie that i know disappeared.

Sakura: huh?

Minju: I have met her a couple of times at uni, she looks so pale and dark and i have heard that she fainted too.

Sakura: WHAT?! When? She didnt even mention that to me.

Minju: i only found out a week after that through my friend too it was 2 weeks before our final, and i did contacted her and go to meet her but she said she is fine and thing, however i still feel sth is not right.

Sakura: i feel really bad right now, i feel like i didnt do enough for her.

Minju: dont blame yourself unnie, Chaeyeon unnie is not a type who like to make other worry, i think that why she didnt tells you cuz she know you might worry.

Sakura: 😞😞

Minju:  unnie i think you should making thing up and cheering her up now because dance department is the worst department and the most stressful one too, those who are able to survive that department is considered as amazing. It would be great if you can hang out with her and instead of questioning her, you should cheer her up talking to her so she wouldnt feel lonely and at least it could release some stress from her.

Sakura: thank you Minju for telling me this>< if not because of you, i would have regret of not making thing up.


Jjaeyeon <3

Kkura: Jjaeyeon-ah. Sent 10:00am
Chae: Uhh, hi.... Replied 10:30am
Kkura: what with that *hi....*?☹️ Sent 10:30am
Chae: Nahh, nth just its new 😅. Replied 10:45am
Kkura: What is so new about it? Sent 10:45am
Chae: You initiate the convo. Replied 10:55am
Kkura: Whats wrong with that? I always did 🤪. Maybe i miss talking to you too much and you are playing hard to get this time. 💕 Sent 10:55am
Chae: 😅 Replied 11:00am
Kkura: Are you busy Chae? Sent 10:55am
Kkura: Look like you do. Sent 11:00am
Kkura: okay have a nice day, talk later babe 😘 Sent 11:10am


Kkura <3

Chae: Sorry i was busy practicing and you know i dont want to get distract during my practice right? Thats why i didnt get to reply. Sent 6:00pm
Kkura: nahh its fine i know my babe is so obsessing with her dancing <3 Replied 6:01pm
Chae: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Sent 6:10pm
Kkura: btw arent you on school break now? Why still practicing?🤔 Replied 6:10pm
Chae: ahh just preparing for the next semester and trying to choreograph as many songs as possible. Sent 6:12pm
Kkura: ahhhhhhh Replied 6:12pm
Chae: how do you know am on school break? Sent 6:20pm
Kkura: I spied on you 😘 Replied 6:20pm
Chae: 🤔🤔🤔🤔 Sent 6:30pm
Kkura: Hahaha I met Minju this morning and we talk abit thats why i knew about it. Replied 6:30pm
Chae: ahhhh. What did Minju do there? Send 6:35pm
Kkura: she is on school break and come to visit Yujin. Replied 6:35pm
Chae: oh..... Sent 6:40pm
Kkura: why dont you visit me too? 😞 i wish you were here to...... Replied 6:49pm
Chae; 😓 sorry i cant, i really need to choreograph more song to be well prepared for next semester. Sent 6:49pm
Kkura: Nahhhh just kidding dont be sorry i know you are a hard working student babe 😘😘😘 we will meet once you are free <3 Replied 6:50pm
Chae: thank you for understanding. Sent 7:00pm
Kkura: >< why would you thank me its my dury as your gf <3 Replied 7:01pm
Kkura: Chae?? Replied 7:10pm
Kkura: Are you still here Chae? Replied 7:20pm
Kkura: I think you are too exhausted from practicing so good night baby <3 have a sweet dream. Replied 7:30pm

To be continued.......

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