Stalker PT.2

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Chaeyeon runs out from the elevator at the sound of Sakura's scream. She saw Sakura panicky standing still while dropping a box out of her hand.

"J-Jjaeyeon." Sakura nervously looking at Chaeyeon with her teary eyes

Chaeyeon walks to Sakura and kneel down to pick up the box that Sakura dropped. Inside the box there are Sakura pictures with the red cross mark on each pic, including a fake rat covered with red paint pretended to be a blood. Chaeyeon escorts Sakura into the house.

"Lets get in Saku-chan." Chaeyeon while holding on to the scared Sakura

Sakura sits soullessly on the sofa and Chaeyeon brings a glass of water to Sakura to calm her down.

" many times did this happened?"

" did happened 2-3 times but not as bad as this time.......he would only left a box saying how much he loved me ...b-but this is scary Jjaeyeon." Sakura's tear drops and Chaeyeon moved to hugs her tight.

"Dont worry I am here Saku-chan."

"You should take some rest, you ve been so tired from all the cleaning." Chaeyeon said while pulling Sakura from a hug

"B-but I am scared Jjaeyeon." Sakura scarily said with her teary eyes

"Dont worry okay? I'll stay here with you, I am not going anywhere so just take some rest Saku-chan." Chaeyeon said with a smile making Sakura to feel a little bit at ease.

Chaeyeon puts Sakura to bed.

"Take a good rest, dont worry about anything, nothing gonna happen because I am here Kkura-ah." Chaeyeon said while holding on to Saku's hand. Sakura nods and received a goodnight kiss on a forehead from Chaeyeon.

After putting Sakura to bed, Chaeyeon turn off Sakura's room light and come out to the living room. Chaeyeon looks into the box once again and she spotted a letter inside the box. It says:

Sakura I love you so much, no one can have you beside me. Who ever touch you, I'll make both of you and them suffer. You are mine Sakura.

After reading the Chaeyeon tide up the box and throw it away because she doesnt want Sakura to see the box especially the letter. As soon as she thrown the box away, a scream came out from Sakura's room and Chaeyeon runs as fast as she could and turn on the light seeing Sakura sitting scarily grabbing the blanket at the corner of her bed while her body covered with sweat. Chaeyeon runs to sit next to Sakura on her bed.

"Jjaeyeon!" Sakura scarily hug Chaeyeon and cry as soon as she see Chaeyeon next to her.

"Jjaeyeon he is coming again, he follows me again Jjaeyeon *cry* what am i going to do now Jjaeyeon?" Sakura said while crying.

"Its okay Saku-chan, he is not coming it was just a bad dream, no one is following you." Chaeyeon said calmly while comforting Sakura by tapping the back of Sakura who hug her.

Chaeyeon tries to get up to go and get Sakura a glass of water.

"Dont go Jjaeyeon." Sakura grabbed her hand and panicky said

"I just go get a glass of water for you Saku-chan, I'll be back."

"....*shaking her head and look straight into Chaeyeon's eyes* p-please dont go." Sakura eyes become teary again.

"O-okay I am not going." Chaeyeon replied and move back to sit near Sakura on her bed while placing both of their back to the bed.

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