Treasure Hunting

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*Wizzzzzzzzzz the whistle is being blown all over the forest.*

"Everyone wakes up now, if you guys dont get ready in 10mins punishment will be waiting for you." Teacher announces

"Erzzzzzzzzzzzz." Yujin whines

"Chaeyeon-ah, Chaeyeon-ah, wake up." Yujin wakes Chaeyeon

"Why? What is that noise?" Chaeyeon half a sleep

"We need to get ready in 10 mins paili." Yujin

"Yena wake up, Yena , Yeeeenaaaaa, CHOI YENA." Yujin shakes Yena but sleephead Yena just dont give a fk

"Lets go Chaeyeon we will be late." Yujin

"But Yena-" Chaeyeon

"Just let her be, we did wake her but she didnt wake up." Yujin

Students gather in front of the tent.

"Is every body here?" Teacher

Yujin raised her hand.

"Choi Yena is still sleeping sam." Yujin

"Choi Yena wake up." Teacher speaks next to the sleeping Yena usig the mic


Yuri walks in to help.

"Yena wake up." Yuri shake and wake Yena lightly and guess what? Yena did wake up and the teacher stun.

"Yena you will be punish, get ready now." Teacher

"Wae? Why am i getting punish sam? Yuri what happened? Yena half a sleep talk to Yuri

"Just get ready now and come out Yena."

"Okay guys let go some morning exercise." Teacher announce making everyone groans.


"Everyone gather." Announcement

"Do you guys know what is field trip is all about?" The sudden question makes everyone whispering about the answer.

"Its all about.......TREASURE HUNTING." Making everyone cheers loudly.

"Okay you guys will be divided into teams and will be given 2 hours to hunt for the treasure, the teams with the most treasures will win a great prize while the loser team will receive a harsh punishment." Everyone cheers again.

"Okay now please pick the ballot and goes to your teammates and you can start the hunting now but remember do not go anywhere alone and cross the safety area, everyone get it?"


"Okay Treasure Hunting starts..... NOW, everyone have fun and dont forget safety first." Teacher

Everyone starts to hunt for the treasure basically Sakura and Chaeyeon are in different teams. Sakura is not really interest in these kind of game, so she use the opportunity to escape from those people by going further into the forest to relax while Chaeyeon starts hunting the treasure without realizing how far she has gone into the forest. The two crossed the safety line without knowing it.

Chaeyeon keeps moving until she saw a back of a girl sitting under a big tree while having her earphones on. She approaches the girl and it turned out to be Sakura.

"Saku-chan?" Chaeyeon called while tapping Sakura's shoulder, making Sakura to removes her earphone and turned to look at Chaeyeon.


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