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"W-what? Did she lost her memory again?" Yena shockingly asked

"Thats normal for her to have a short-term memory lost after a brain surgery." Doctor

"Give her time." Doctor said and leave the room

"You dont remember us?" W-wait do you even know your name Chaeyeon?" Yena stupidly asked Chaeyeon making everyone stares at her.

Chaeyeon blankly looking at all the girls staring at her and she spotted Sakura who stands next to her bed trying to hold back her tear and worriedly watching her.

Chaeyeon suddenly grab Sakura's hand "Why are you looking like this Saku-chan?" And give a big smile to her making everyone in the room stunned.

"Chaeyeon..." Yuri burst out

"Oh my god Chaeyeon." Yena

"You are such a troll Lee Chaeyeon." Yujin smile while lightly hit Chaeyeon.

Sakura didnt say anything she just giving Chaeyeon a madly stares and remove her hand from Chaeyeon's hand.

"Y-yahh.... Dont be like that." Chaeyeon cutely whine at Sakura who failed trying to hold back her tear and hug Chaeyeon tightly making her panic and slowly hug her back.

"If you do that again I will 100% leave you for sure Lee Chaeyeon." Sakura cries on Chaeyeon's shoulder.

"Hahaha okay okay I am not doing it again, I promise so stop crying." Chaeyeon patted Sakura's back.

"Why are you doing this Chaeyeon? You scared the shit out of us you know." Yena pouting

"Sorry guys, just want to have some fun with you guys, I am all okay now dont worry and thank you for staying by my side." Chaeyeon emotionally speaks

"This is cringy damnnn." Yujin said while making her weird expression.

"Glad that you are all fine now Chaeyeon." Yuri give a big smile to Chaeyeon.

"S-so are you done hugging me now Sakura? Because i cant really breathe properly."

"I am sorry Jjaeyeon." Sakura push Chae away a little.

"Finally after a big rain, a rainbow finally appear I am so happy that we are all good now." Yena posing her praying pose.

"Yeah Now the only thing that I am looking to is our graduation TT." Yujin

"It gonna be so lit gosh I cant wait." Yena

The girls left the hospital leaving only Sakura taking care of Chaeyeon. As always Sakura refused to leave Chaeyeon's alone so she is staying with her.

"Why are you keep staring at me? I am that pretty? Or it was not enough staring at me for 3 hours?" Chaeyeon joking teases Sakura who cant take her eyes of her making Sakura to give Chaeyeon a light hit on her arm.


"Served you right Lee Jjaeyeon."

"Why why?" Chaeyeon whines

"For trolling me, for making me worried, for everything."

"Awwww thats hurt Saku-chan." Chaeyeon fake crying

"Stop with your acting Lee Jjaeyeon." Sakura said to Chaeyeon making her to give off her evil laughs and extend her arm for Sakura and Sakura move into her arm. Chaeyeon who is sitting on her bed hugs Sakura who is standing next to her bed.

"I really miss hugging you like this Sakura."

"I really think that I woudnt get to hug you like this again."

"Stupid." Sakura said making Chaeyeon to look up on to her.

"Because I know you will comeback, I know you are strong enough to fight for this battle, I know that."

"Thank you Saku-chan." Chaeyeon continue hugging Sakura

"Pabo." Sakura smile and kiss Chaeyeon's head.

"Just promise me you wont lie to me ever again."

"Naeee mommy." Chaeyeon chuckles

Sakura sit on the bed next to Chaeyeon and start playing with her fingers.

"Finally everything is fine now, finally we all back up from a nightmare now." Sakura said while playing Chae's fingers.

"Because of all the incidents we missed out on so many things, I shouldnt initiate the break up since the beginning." Sakura sadly say

"Btw why did you want to break up back then Sakura?"

"J-just because i feel so bad for you, i feel like i am adding burden to you, and every bad that happened to you were all because of me."

Upon hearing these, Chaeyeon pulls Sakura close and kiss her forehead "That was such a stupid idea of yours Saku-chan, I cant believe you could think of that as a reason to break up despite you love me so much." Chaeyeon laughs

"Who said I love you?" Sakura lightly hit Chae again

"Who do you think? Maybe Minjoo?" Chaeyeon give her iconic laughs

"Y-yahhh, why are you like this, and you are hurting Minjoo so much by using her to hurt me."

"Well I actually didnt planned too but Minjoo found out everything and she said I used to be her crush but not now because she kinda attaching to our giant puppy now so she decided to help."

"W-what? A great girl like Minjoo having crush on our giant puppy TT." Sakura

"Why? Yujin is great, Yujin also love Minjoo they gonna be a perfect couple." Chaeyeon said happily

"Yeah not like us." Sakura pouts making Chaeyeon to pulls her close.

"Yeah not like us because we are way more than perfect." Chaeyeon hugs on to Sakura making Sakura to smile widely

"I promise once I discharge from the hospital we will do thing that we missed out during all of these time."

To be continued......

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