Operation's day

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Today is the day that Chaeyeon will have her last brain surgery. The doctors said the chance of success is really low to the point that even the doctor cant guarantee.

2hours until Chaeyeon gets into the operation room.

"Chaeyeon you can do it." Yena

"Chaeyeon unnie you must win." Wonyoung said while crying

"Everything is gonna be alright Chaeyeon-ah." Yuri

Everyone cheers on Chaeyeon who will soon face a 10 hours surgery and put her life on a line.

"Thank you guys, I'll make sure to come back alive." Chaeyeon smiles beautifully as if its her last smile.

Sakura sadly stands behind the other girls.

"Arent you going to give me a hug? It might our last hug Ms.Miyawaki." Chaeyeon teases Sakura with a bright smile but it doesnt seems to change the sad expression that Sakura gives.

Sakura moves next to Chaeyeon and give her a tight hug.

"Stop saying that you stupid." Sakuea scolds Chaeyeon who always mention about dying.

"I still have 2hours to live, can I and Sakura go out? I mean just within the hospital." Chaeyeon requested the doctor.

"Hmmm....sure but dont please be back soon because you cant feel too much air." Doctor


The two walking at the garden while interlocking their hands without saying anything to each other.

"Its been a while since we have a date right?" Chaeyeon suddenly break out the silent and Sakura just nods trying to hold back her tears.

Chaeyeon suddenly stop walking and face Sakura "Saku-chan, did you remember how we first met?". Sakura replied "Of course I do, You were so timid and coward back then, you cant even face me for 3s."

"What the heck, it was you who cant look into my eyes." Chaeyeon laughs

"Dont lie Jjaeyeon." Sakura smiles start to rise abit.

"Yeah smile like this, your smile is the best smile in the entire world Saku-chan, promise me that you will keep smiling no matter what."


"Close your eyes Sakura."


"Just close your eyes."

Chaeyeon looks at Sakura's face for a moment and start pulling Sakura closer and place her lips on Sakura's lip making Sakura to fluster abit but she keeps her eyes shut trying to capture the moment and the two girls start kissing passionately.

Chaeyeon pulls Sakura away slowly and step backward 2 steps.

"Miyawaki Sakura, thank you for everything, thank you for the love you gave me, i just wanted to say that you are the love of my life, you made my life full of love and happiness. ......Now I want to announce that........ I am breaking up with you, from now on, you can go and date anyone you want because we are no more in a relationship. Thank you for everything Sakura." Chaeyeon smiles and offers a handshake.

"Why are you like this Lee Jjaeyeon? Didnt i say that i am not breaking up right? How many times do i have to say for you to understand my words?" Sakura said while shaking Chaeyeon.

"You deserved someone better than me."

"J-jae.....jjaeyeon-ah.....jjaeyeon-ah." Chaeyeon collapse due to the lack strength.


After 30mins Chaeyeon is on the way to the operating room with all her friends including Sakura escort her.

"Sakura." Chaeyeon called Sakura and hand her out a necklace.

"Find someone better and wear it with that person." Chaeyeon said it to Sakura and smile.

"Jjaeyeon that person must be you no matter what, Ill keep it just for you, you must come back and wear it with me." Sakura said with her teary eyes and Chaeyeon gets into the operating room while the rest worriedly waiting out side.

Sakura and the rest wait for Chaeyeon for about an hour and they start to separate, some go to have some food, drinks while Sakura disappeared until 1 hour before Chaeyeon's operation done.

Sakura went to the church near by the hospital for 8 hours straight just to pray for her love Chaeyeon. She really did sitting in the church for 8 hours until she realized that its only an hour left until the operation is done.


Sakura arrives at in front of the operating room together with her other friends.

"Where have you been Sakura?" Yuri asked

"Oh..... just.....doing some errand sorry for not telling you guys about it."

"Oh." Yuri response

"So what time will the operation is done?" Yujin asked

"Uhmmm probably in 20mins." Yena replied while looking at her watch.

After 20mins, the operation's room light turn off and the doctor came out while the nurse pushing Chaeyeon out. Yena rush to the doctor asking him about Chaeyeon's condition while Sakura rush to Chaeyeon who sleep on the bed first.

"Jjaeyon-ah......Jjaeyeon-ah." Sakura worriedly calling Chaeyeon while holding on to her hand.

"She is still unconscious." The nurse said and continue moving Chaeyeon to the proper room.

"So how is her condition doctor?" Yena asked

"Well the operation went well and I guarantee its 100% successful she will wake up in 3 hours so dont worry." Doctor said

"Oh thanks god." Yujin said while making prayer hand gesture.

"She is one of the strongest patient." Doctor said

"Thank you doctor, thank you for your hard work." Yuri thanks the doctor while he was nodding back in response and Yuri went to comfort the crying Sakura.


Everyone is still in at the hospital but Sakura is the only one left sit sleeping next to Chaeyeon while holding her hand tight.

"U-uhhhhh." Chaeyeon moves and groan in pain of her headache making Sakura to wakes up.

"Jjaeyon, you are awake now." Sakura happily asked

"Chaeyeon-ah, I am calling the doctor wait." Yuri just came into the room holding her peeled fruit rush to find the doctor.

"Lets me have a check up." Doctor said while checking Chaeyeon's eyes.

"Well she is fine now, but still need to do some more check up." Doctor said

"Do you feel any pain beside having a headache Chaeyeon?" Doctor asked

"Where am I? And who are they?" Chaeyeon asked making everyone who just came back stand blanklessly .

To be continued........

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