Extend 2

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Sakura decided to have a break a week earlier then the official school break since she already finished all the assignments and final exam.

8:00am Sunday

Sakura: Woah why are there so many people today?

Sakura: Miss can i have a ticket to xxxx

Seller: Please wait a moment miss.

Sakura: Nae~

Seller: Here is your ticket miss, a total of 15,000won.

Sakura: Thank you so much.

Seller: Have a safe trip.


9:00am Sunday

*Krirng Krirng*

Chaeyeon: Yes Unnie?

Unnie friend: Oh Chaeyeon-ah, are you busy today?

Chaeyeon: no unnie, why?

Unnie friend: Can i go over to your place to discuss with you for a moment about the new choreo?

Chaeyeon: now?

Unnie friend: in 30mins maybe? Are you alright?

Chaeyeon: yes sure, see you in a moment.


Unnie friend of Chae arrived at Chae's apartment at 10:00am.

Unnie: Sorry Chae i was late because i have an unexpected errand to do.

Chae: its fine unnie lets get in first.

Chae: What would you like to drink unnie?

Unnie: uhm....mmm anything is fine. ☺️

Chae: uhmmm so sprite would do right? 😁

Unnie: yes of course Chae 😆 you know me well huh.

Chae: ㅋㅋㅋ

After 1 hour of discussion,

Chae: Unnie should we eat something first? I actually havent had brf yet 😅

Unnie: 🙄 what de heck Chae you should have told me so i could bring you some food. Its not good for your health if you skip brf.

Chae: 😅 so would you like some ramen miss?

Unnie: * SARCASTICALLY* yes anything would do miss.

Chae laughs and move to the kitchen to cook some ramen.

*Ding Dong*

Unnie: Chae you have a quest?

Chae: nahh i dont think so, Unnie can you open the door for me please.

Unnie: yes sure.

Door open...

Sakura with the brightest smile: surpri......*pause* after seeing a friend of Chae instead of Chae and rechecking the apartment's number to see if she is in the right building.

Sakura whispering to herself: its already the right number but why?

Unnie: Who are you looking for miss?

Sakura: Who are you?

The two standing still for a moment

Chae runs from the kitchen to see because it is too quiet after her friend open the door.

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