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Chaeyeon, Yena and Yujin rush to Sakura's apartment and Chaeyeon tried her best to contact Sakura but no one is picking up.

Sakura please, nothing will happen to you right? Chaeyeon thought to herself while looking out of the window with teary eyes. And they finally arrived at Sakura's apartment.

"Ms.Chaeyeon." Guard

"I tried to knock on the door but no one is there." Guard

"When did Sakura left the house?" Chaeyeon

"2 hours ago she said she go to buy something but did comeback until now." Guard

"Did you see anyone suspicious around here?" Yena asked

"Hmmmm.... i dont see anyone suspicious." Guard curiously replied

"What to do now Chaeyeon?" Yujin asked

".......lets separate and help look around here, and mr. Please help report it to the police." Chaeyeon

"Okay Chaeyeon lets do that first."

Chaeyeon looks for Sakura around the garden near the house. Yena go to the convenient store while Yujin looks around somewhere els.

Chaeyeon looks for her around 15mins and someone bumped into her and her phone false off. While picking up the phone, Chaeyeon realized that Sakura and her downloaded the app which they can linked it to one another and also can track each other location as long as the partner phone is on. Now the only thing Chaeyeon wish for is for Sakura's phone to turn on.

And yes, it is on and she can track where Sakura is. Sakura is located at the abandon building far from Seoul, as soon as Chaeyeon see it, she called and taxi and follow the GPS. It took Chaeyeon 30mins to reached Sakura's location.

"Miyawaki Sakura, you are awake now?"

"Who are you exactly?" Sakura scarily asked

"Why dont you remember me? Its sad to know that you dont remember me Sakura." Kidnapper said why cupping Sakura's cheek.

"Get your dirty hand away from me."

"Why are you like this Miyawaki Sakura?" The kidnapper removed her mask.

"J-juirna?" Sakura shocks

"So you still remember me." Jurina grins evilly

"Why are you doing this to me?" Sakura

"Because I love you Sakura."

"S-so you were the one who stalked me all along? I thought it was a boy but its actually you Jurina, what do you want?"

"YOU, I want you Miyawaki." Jurina saod while cupping Sakura cheeks up.

"You crazy girl stop bothering me and release me now." Sakura

"Why are you always like this Sakura, I love you to death you know, if you just accept my feeling since the beginning, you wouldnt have to suffer like this."

"Stop saying stupid thing and release me now before the police come and the arrest the shit out of you."

Jurina walks to Sakura, "dont worry I'll release you and we will live together forever Sakura, no one can take you away from me." Jurina cupped Sakura cheek and kiss her hard on a lip, Sakura is trying to escape but she cant because her hands and legs were tided up to the chair.

Chaeyeon finally arrived and she spot a misterious van, there is an old building Chaeyeon walk to ward the building and silently peek into the building. She saw Sakura is being tied up on a chair and she saw a person in black hoodie. Chaeyeon tried not to make any noise, she realized that Sakura is being kidnap so she message Yena her location and tell Yena to report it to the police. When Jurina begin to kiss Sakura, Chaeyeon burst in and push Jurina to the ground far from Sakura.

"Sakura are you okay?" Chaeyeon said while kneeling down next to Sakura

"Jjaeyeon-ah." Sakura

"Ahhhh so you are Lee Chaeyeon." Jurina stand back up and laughs

Jurina walks to Chaeyeon and pull her hair back.

"Yahhhhhh what are you doing you stupid human being." Chaeyeon

"Get the fuck out of Sakura before I kill the shit out of you little princess." Jurina sarcastically said and push Chaeyeon to the ground.

"JJAEYEON-ah" Sakura scream seeing Jurina pushed Chaeyeon to the ground

Jurina walks to Sakura, Chaeyeon gets up and try to pull Jurina away from Sakura but got push really hard to ground making her head head hit the ground causing the blood to flow and Chaeyeon turned unconscious.

"Jjaeyeonnnnnnnmm." Sakura cry and scream

Jurina feel someone is holding on to her leg and when she looks down she saw an unconscious Chaeyeon crawling and holding on to her leg. Jurina turned back and kick Chaeyeon several times.

"JJAEYEONNNN, Jurinaaaaaa please dont do that to her Ill go with you I am begging you." Sakura cry while begging. At Sakura's word Jurina stop kicking Chaeyeon and look at Sakura

"P-please I am going with you, I am following you but please release her dont kill her Jurina." Sakura cry even harder and the unconscious Chaeyeon fainted.

At the moment the police arrived pointing the gun at Jurina making her to put her hands up and being arrested by the police.

"Chaeyeon-ah." Yena scream at the sight of blood covered Chaeyeon's body and the. She moved to untie Sakura from the chair.

"Jjaeyeon please Jjaeyeon." Sakura cried really hard next to Chaeyeon who is lying on the floor. And then the medical crew arrived at the scene and pick Chaeyeon but Sakura didnt stop holding on to Chaeyeon making Yena to pull her back and let the medical team take Chaeyeon to the hospital.

Chaeyeon is in the emergency room. Everyone is waiting outside of the emergency room. Wonyoung and Yuri keep crying, Sakura already stop crying but sit at the corner look like her soul is already left her body. Yena and Yujin cry silently while praying for Chaeyeon.

"W-what happened I got a call from Yujin about Chaeyeon." Minju who was late finally arrived

"Minjoo." Yujin cry while hugging into Minjoo who just arrived

"Its okay its okay Yujin." Minjoo comfort Yujin

Yena told Minjoo all the things that happened.

"So how long have she been in the emergency room?" Minjoo teary eyes and cry asking Yena

"Its been almost 2 hour now."

At the moment, the light from the emergency room turned off and the doctors come out.

"D-doctor, what happen now? Is my friend okay?" Yena rush to the doctor as soon as she see them out

"Hmmm current we did tried out best and she is fine now but she in unconscious condition, her head was hit really badly she must also fight her self to survive." Doctor

And finally Chaeyeon come out from the operating room. Sakura rush to see her.

"J-jaeyeon." Sakura cry while touching Chaeyeon and the rest cry as well.

To be continued.......

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