The lost memory

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Sakura, Yena and Yujin went back to the room seeing all the other girl playing and talking to Chaeyeon happily. As soon as Sakura entered the room Chaeyeon just grins and nods at Sakura awkwardly, Sakura forced herself to smile as a response.

"So........we just talk to the doctor about Chaeyeon condition *explain everything the doctor said*" Yena

"Heol~ out of everyone why Sakura unnie?" Wonyoung said

"So what are we going to do now?" Yuri asked

"W-well.... we all will try to help Chaeyeon to get back all of her memories by recalling all the old stories as well as old photo or video just everything, but Chaeyeon you must also work hard too okay?" Yena said

"O-ohhh y-yes." Chaeyeon awkwardly response

"Okay so first of all can you tell me who is this?" Yena said while showing Chaeyeon the pic of Jurina on her phone

"Hmmmm......I am not so sure." Chaeyeon

"O-okay thats fine,so how about her?" Yena asked while pointing at Sakura

"Sakura." Chaeyeon said making everyone eyes widen

"She said she is Sakura, her name is beautiful and yeah her face as well." Chaeyeon said while grinning

"Yeah we know you are whipped Chaeyeon we know that." Yena whisper to herself but got caught by Yuri and got an elbow from Yuri.

"So how much can you remember? The latest memory you could recall?" Yujin asked

"Hmmmmmm........probably the school field trip?"

"Yes yes what did you remember?" Everyone curious

"Uhhhh i remember that we played truth or dare.......i think i got lost in the forest.......i was sick because i was soaked in a rain that day and Minjoo was the one who take care of me all night." Chaeyeon said and grab Minjoo's hand and smile and said thank you making Sakura to feel sad.

"Do you remember who you were with the day you got lost in the forest?" Yuri asked

"I was not alone?"

"No you are with someone, try to remember it." Yujin

Chaeyeon think for a moment but she seems not to have any idea about it and her head begun to hurt again.

"Owwwww, my head hurt so much." Chaeyeon said while holding her head

Sakura was about to walk to Chaeyeon but Minjoo is already take care of Chaeyeon so she just stood there worriedly.

"Okay okay take your time Chaeyeon, Yena stop asking her, she just gain back her conscious give her time." Minjoo said while putting Chaeyeon back on rest

"Its fine, they are just trying to help me." Chaeyeon said

"Sorry, the visiting time is over now please lets the patient." A nurse comes in

"W-what? We are having a visiting time now?" Yena asked

"Yes, since the patient is awake now so there would a visiting time in order for us to give the patient more time rest so please corporate." Nurse

"Okay so lets go then, bye Chaeyeon we will come back tmr after class." Yena

"Take a good rest Chaeyeon unnie."

"I am going now Chaeyeon." Minjoo

Everyone left the room leaving Sakura to be the last one to leave. She didnt say her goodbye to Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon smile at her and wave a goodbye Sakura just smile back and leaves.

"Sakura should I bring you home?" Yena asked

"No its fine I have to go somewhere, you guys can go see you tmr guys." Sakura


Sakura's POV

Well I actually didnt have anything to do after visiting Chaeyeon, I refused Yena because i just want to be alone somehow. I walk to every places that Chaeyeon and I used to come, garden, convenient store, cinema, ice cream shop.... basically all the places that we usually came.

Memories with her went through my mind, all of those great memories as well as the bad one too. Its make me sad and become teary as soon as all the memories hit me. The memories that must be remembered by two people but now it was forgotten by one. I know its not her faults it was actually my fault who caused everything but why does it hurt me so much at the fact that Chaeyeon forgot everything about me? I should be happy because she forgets everything about me because we were supposed to break up but why am i so hurt?

Jjaeyeon-ah I promise i wont hurt you again, even if you forget everything that we did, I will work hard to start everything new again with you I promise.

To be continued......

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