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Sakura siting next to Chaeyeon who is lying on the bed unconsciously while given an oxygen therapy.  Sakura sitting still while looking at Chaeyeon without saying anything for 5 minutes until her tear starts to drop again.

"Jjaeyeon....." Sakura tears start dropping while holding on to Chaeyeon's hand.

"I-i am sorry......"

"I am supposed to be the one who sleep here, not you."

".......I always cause trouble to you"

"Jjaeyeon please.... please wake up ..... I am begging you please...."

"What ever you want Jjaeyeon.......I'll give it to you......"

"Didnt you said you will protect me? If you are going to sleep here how are you going to protect me Jjaeyeon."

"Please Jjaeyeon I love you, sorry for hurting you Jjaeyeon-ah".


Sakura's POV

Its been 4 weeks since Chaeyeon is under coma, But luckily she has been transferred from emergency room to the normal room where all of us can visit her all at once. Chaeyeon is still unconscious, the doctor said its all depend on her now, if she doesnt give up and choose to continue to fight she will wake up one day, but the possibility is really low.

I would always visit the hospital to take care of Chaeyeon, I sleep at the hospital at night and come to school in the morning. Other friends such as Yena, Yujin, Yuri, Wonyoung, Nako and yeah Minju as well take turn taking care of Chaeyeon. The doctor said to read and talk to Chaeyeon regularly even if she is not responding because its like people is fighting together with her. I would read her my diary, tell her what ever happen at school, tell her jokes, read all the cringe letter that she used to write for me back then and i even read her our school lesson.

With the presence of Yena and Yujin they made the room more lively i even noticed that Chaeyeon's move her fingers several times, I know that she misses us, she wants to wake up really bad so i believe in her, I believe that sooner or later Chaeyeon will wake up.


Today is Sunday, everyone goes to the hospital to visit Chaeyeon except Sakura. Sakura want to go to the church today, since there are people to take care of Chaeyeon, she decided to go to church to pray.

"Yah.....Chaeyeon you know today Anh Yujin is being scolded by the teacher so bad because she accidentally hit the teacher with a basketball." Yena said while laughing at Yujin

"Yahhhhhhhhh so how long are you going to talk about this Choi Yena?" Yujin angrily stare at Yena

"Until i can find something new to tease you." Yena teases Yujin

"Chaeyeon-ah you must wake up and control these dorks, they are too loud and you are the only one who can control them." Yuri said while talking to Chaeyeon

"4 more months we will have our national exam, you must take the exam Chaeyeon we all must graduate together so we can have a trip together." Minju speaks to Chaeyeon

"Just think of it make me happy already." Yuri said while smiling

"What are you guys talking about? Are we going anywhere?" Yujin asked

"Y-yahhhhhhhh." Yena panicky

"Whats again Choi Yena?" Yujin madly said to Yena

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