Extend 3

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After dropping Eunbi back to her apartment, Sakura and Chaeyeon went back to theirs. During the ride, none of them bother talking to each other, they just sitting in the car silently until they reached home.

Sakura walks first to the department as she is the one who hold the key and Chaeyeon just silently follows her girlfriend while studying the situation she is in.

Sakura sit on the sofa and crossing her arm while looking away from Chaeyeon.

"Uh...hmm.... I am gonna cook you food, what do you want to see Saku-chan?" Chaeyeon hesitantly said as she knows that her girlfriend is not in mood.

"Nothing to explain?......Lee Jjaeyon-ssi?" Sakura faced Chaeyeon who is about to walk to the kitchen but paused and gulps as soon as she heard her girlfriend sit up.

"Uh.?...." Chaeyeon nervously replied but Kkura still looking at her face waiting for an answer from her girlfriend

"Ahhh.... about Eunbi-unnie?" Chaeyeon said and move quickly and sit next to her mad girlfriend.

"Well like i told you, she is just my senior."

"Yeah i know, but i never know until i am here, that you have a senior, i mean a very CLOSE senior who spend half day here at your apartment and you two are alone like really?" Kkura turned to Chaeyeon and sound abit annoying.

While trying to hold back her laugh, Chaeyeon is able to control herself from laughing at her girlfriend cute reaction. So Chaeyeon decided to plays along with her beloved girlfriend.

"Why?" Chaeyeon reply with her poker face making Kkura annoy even more.

"What?! What do you mean why?" Kkura annoying reply with her eyes widen

"She is just a friend." Chaeyeon continues to tease

"YEAH A FRIEND, A FRIEND WHO YOUR GIRLFRIEND HAVE NO IDEA WHO SHE IS, A FRIEND WHO IS VERY CLOSE TO THE POINT WHERE SHE VISITS YOUR APARTMENT WITHOUT YOUr GIRLFRIEND ACKNOWLEDGE, A FRI-." When Kkura about to continue she felt a soft thing touch her lip and yeah its Chaeyeon's lip, her eyes is now widen even more and blushing like crazy at the sudden kiss from her girlfriend. Yeah both of them kiss alot but its been awhile and also she didnt expect this from such a situation.

After a while, Chaeyeon pulls off the kiss.

"Yah, Lee Jjaeyon what was that?" While blushing Kkura asked with a soft voice.

"What do you mean? You want another one, so you can fully understand it?" Chaeyeon teases the blushing girlfriend and move closer to give her another kiss but get push away by her girlfriend.

"Yah, you cant get away like that Lee Jjaeyon, better answer to what i have asked." Sakura maintained herself and start asking with her serious face.

"Hmmm..... okay Eunbi unnie is here because we need to discuss on new choreography."

"And?" Kkura asked

"Since i just woke up so i dont want to go any where so she is here instead."

"Uh huh continue." Kkura with her serious tone and nod sarcastically to what Chaeyeon said.

"Thats it."

"I didnt ask you just this question Jjaeyeon-ssi."

"W-what do you want to know more miss Lee Kkura?" Chaeyeon hugging to Kkura's arm and start whining like a baby making Kkura goes weak for her cuteness.

"How did she become your close senior? How could you never tell me such a thing?" Kkuras asks

"W-well, just because we practice tgt thats why and i didnt tell you because i know you are going to get jealous."

"B-but." Sakura about to complain but Chaeyeon interrupted

"No more question, lets eat im so hungry baby." Chaeyeon whines again

"Tsh, you are such a baby." Sakura just give a sly smile and move to the kitchen with her gf.


"Jjaeyeon?" Sakura sneaks from Chaeyeon's room door.

"Oh Saku-chan wae?" Chaeyeon who is busy preparing her bed turn to Sakura

To be continue......

Well i dont want you guys to wait so just a short chapter. And please recommend me on how to end this xD  i somehow regret doing the extend xD

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