The truth untold

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"Ill tell you everything Sakura".


"Oh Chaeyeon-ah." Minjoo arrived at the hospital

"Oh Minjooooo you are here alone?" Chaeyeon asked

"Yeah, the rest are busy with the assignment so am the only one here."

"How about yours?"

"I am all done."

"As expected, btw what are you bringing?"

"Ahhhh it a photobook during the our school fed trip." Minjoo said while passing the photobook to Chaeyeon

"I want you to gain back your memory with Sakura fast thats why I bring this here."

"Woah look at Yena, she is always a meme queen." Both of them laugh.

"Yena is never fails to make us laugh."

"Wonyoung is so cute goshh, i want to adopt her already." Chaeyeon said happily

"What is Yena doing in this pic?" Minjoo asked

"Ahhhhhh She is doing her punishment, she woke up late and the teacher punish her damnnnn." Chaeyeon laughs

"Omg I remember it now, Poor Yena." Minjoo fake crying

"It was better than my punishment actually. Sakura and I have to clean the whole gym all evening as a punishment after the trip.... damn that was insane." Chaeyeon laughs happily with Minjoo

"Yeah yean I remember you two got lost and ...wait.....what?" Minjoo

"What?" Chaeyeon confused

"Chaeyeon.... you remember the day you got lost with Sakura..... Chaeyeon I think you gain back your memory now." Minjoo cry of joy

"I dont know what are you talking about Minjoo." Chaeyeon close the photobook panicky and nervously trying to avoid Minjoo.

"Chaeyeon-ah.......what is it? Why are you like this?
Arent you supposed to be happy when you gain back your memory?" Minjoo worriedly and confusedly look at Chaeyeon who try to go back to sleep.

"Chaeyeon-ah if you are not talking to me Ill call the girls over." Minjoo threaten

"No Minjoo please." Chaeyeon sit up fast and begged

"Why?What happen Chaeyeon?" Minjoo asked

" must promise me not to tell this to anyone even Sakura just everyone first before I could tell you." Chaeyeon

"Okay sure I wont tell."

"Well..........I actually gain back my memory 5 days since I woke up."

"Why didnt you tell us?"

"I was so excited to tell you guys but it just wont happen." Chaeyeon sadly said


"As soon as I gain back my memory, my head begun to hurt, the pain is too much for me to handle to the point where I was almost faint. Luckily one of the nurses come to my room that day and I was rescued." Chaeyeon eyes start to become teary making Minjoo to become teary too.

"And when I wake up, the doctor told me that I had blood clot in my brain due to the highly affected during the incident. I will have to face a brain surgery in the next 6 months and......." Chaeyeon tears drop


".....The chance of succeeding is really low, which mean I might die, the surgery is a must." Minjoo covered her mouth in shocked and cry

"Why dont you tell us Chaeyeon?" Minjoo

"I-I wanted you tell you guys too but i dont want anyone to feel bad at the fact that i will die especially Sakura, I dont want her to see me dying, I dont want to add another burden to her, I want her to completely forget me." Chaeyeon cries

"I want Sakura just to hate me so that she will eventually forget this Lee Chaeyeon."

"Chaeyeon-ah I dont think i can help you hide this, I mean everyone deserved to know." Minjoo tries to walk out

"No Minjoo, please I am begging you, the only wish i wish for before I die please help me Minjoo ah please." Chaeyeon cries while holding on to Minjoo's hand.

"How long are you going to hide? And how are you going to make Sakura forget you? Its impossible Chaeyeon."

"Thats why you need to help me Minjoo."

"Me? How?"

"Just act like you are close to me, act as if we are building our relationship and I will continue to act as if I still have not regain back my memories with Sakura, and please do hide from everyone."

"Is it possible to do that?"

"Of course it will, once I get discharged I ll try to distance my self from Sakura and will move far away."


"I cant let her see me die."

"Chaeyeon-ah you must promise me that you will at least tell me where you are no matter where you go or els I will not hide your secret."

"Okay okay." Chaeyeon said and chuckles

"I dont know if you are perfect or just stupid Lee Chaeyeon."

"You know you are dying but still have the gut to smile as nothing happen."

"I dont know why I have crush on you back then." Minjoo wiped off her tears and Chaeyeon ruins her hair

"Sakura is really lucky to have you Chaeyeon-ah."

"No she deserved someone better, better than me. She must be protected. We must break up."

*End of flashback*

"Jjaeyeon, why are you so stupid?" Sakura cries really hard at the story that Minjoo told her. Minjoo is trying to comfort Sakura.

"I am sorry for not telling you earlier than this." Minjoo regret

"No Minjoo, I should be thankful that you tell me Minjoo, if I didnt know this I would regret all my whole life I will not forgive my self if anything happen to her."

"I think she need you by her side and your support the most right now."

"Whats happen Minjoo?"

"....the surgery seem to come a little earlier than expected."


"The pain in her head turned really bad these days, before it would come 1 or twice a week but this time it came regularly and I can see her feel more pain than usual, I feel really bad everytime I see her fight with the pain alone and couldnt do anything to help her."

"3 days ago she called me she said the pain come again and it was really bad and when I arrived at her house, she is already faint and I send her to the hospital. The doctor said she need to do the surgery early. Right now Chaeyeon is receiving the chemical treatment and its as painful. Barely can eat or drink, she has to receives the treatment for 1 week and will do the surgery in the following week."

"Jjaeyeon." Sakura cant seems to say anything beside crying she blame herself her everything thag happened

"Sakura you must stay strong for Chaeyeon, you are the only one who can help Chaeyeon goes through all of these. Everytime she had a headache, you are the only one she called and I can see how important you are to her. So please stay strong for her." Minjoo said  while comforting Sakura

To be continued......


So how is the story so far? Please do comment. I feel like its really bad TT
I am thinking on ending this really soon and would probably work on my other story called I am in love with a Gumiho if i am not that busy with my study.

P/S: Please excuse my mistake because I didnt really do the double check.

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