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Notification: Yena: Can we meet a bit Chaeyeon?
Chaeyeon: Hmmm.

*Han River*

"So.....what is it?" Chaeyeon asked coldly toward Yena who been waiting for her.

"Oh... Chaeyeon you are here." Yena

"Did you had dinner yet? Should we eat dinner together?"

"No i am good, just say what you want now." Chaeyeon

"Ohh....hmmmmm..... just, I am so sorry for what have happened this morning, I didnt mean to cause anything bad to you Chaeyeon." Yena said while holding to Chaeyeon's hand

"And please dont blame Sakura, she just convinced by me and she just wanted you to regain back the memories faster."

"I hope you two can make up soon." Yena

"Thats it?" Chaeyeon asked


"Okay I am going now bye." Chaeyeon said and walk off

"YAH, Lee Chaeyeon." Yena shouted making Chaeyeon to stop

"Are you going to keep doing this?" Yena

"Yeah Sakura hurts you but she doesnt deserved this, this is so unfair for her." Yena


Sakura's POV

Its been 3 days since Minjoo's incident and I havent seen Chaeyeon for 3 days too, only Minjoo comes to school. I really want to talk to Minjoo, wanting to ask how Chaeyeon is but I just cant start the conversation with her, its so awkward between us. Yujin who sit with Minjoo also didnt say a single word to her, Yujin somehow felt betrayed by both of Chaeyeon and Minjoo so do i?

I still cant accept the fact that Chaeyeon claimed Minjoo as her girlfriend, I mean I know Minjoo is pretty but still she has been mine for 5 years, seeing her with other girl is too much for me. Even though they are dating but Minjoo doesnt look good these day and I notice it. I wonder what happened? As for Chaeyeon she wouldnt make anyone sad.

Minjoo: Sakura can we talk?
Sakura: Uhhh yes sure.
Minjoo: School's Garden breaktime.

*School's garden*

"H-hi....Minjoo-ah." Sakura arrived

"Ohh You are here Sakura." Minjoo response

The two stay silent for a quiet long time.

"So....what is it that you want to talk about?" Sakura break out the silent between the two.

Minjoo suddenly stands up.

"Hmmmm......I dont know where to start this." Minjoo

"I am supposed to keep it as a secret but I dont think it is a good idea." Minjoo is making Sakura curious at her words.

"I know that you two love each other dearly."

"Huh?" Sakura burst out

"Chaeyeon and You."

"Sakura.... listen up please do not panic okay? You must calm down and listen to me until the end." Minjoo said

Confused Sakura just nods lightly.

"I dont want to regret of not telling this and I even dont want you to regret." Minjoo

"Sakura actually Chaeyeon gain back her memory since 5 days after she woke up from coma."

"W-what?" Sakura shocked

To be continued...........

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