I'll always be there for you.

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*Arrived at food stall*

"Ahjumma can we have two cheese hot dogs, one ramyun, one tteokppuki and one kimbab please." Chaeyeon ordered

"Yahh.... why are you ordering so much?" Sakura asked with shock

"You said you havent eat since this morning right? So you have to eat alot baby Kkura." Chaeyeon speaks cutely and pinch Kkura's cheek.

"Even so, who the hell would finished all of these." Sakura blame Chaeyeon

"Okay okay Ill order less next time." Chaeyeon winked and make Sakura smiles a bit.

"Okay so can you tell me whats is happening now?" Sakura

"What?" Chaeyeon

"What do you mean What?" Sakura open her eyes widely at the stupid question from Chaeyeon

"You have to give me question for me to answer, if not how can I know what you wanted to know Miyawaki Sakura." Chaeyeon plays dumb again

"Lee Jjaeyeon....." Sakura is serious this time

"Whats wrong Saku-chan?" Chaeyeon smile like an idiot in front of Sakura

"Okay..... so where have you been this whole day? Why arent you replying me? I meant you have never been like this before, even if your phone is dead you would always find a way to text me like 24/7. And after all what was happening? Can you tell me what was happening now Ms. Lee Jjaeyeon?" Sakura asked

"I am not Lee Jjaeyeon." Chaeyeon playing dumb one more time.

"WHAT?!" Sakura shouted

"I am Miyawaki Chaeyeon, you have to called the right name in order for the right person to answer the question." Chaeyeon once again

Sakura is trying to calm herself down because she doesnt want to lose her shit again.

"O-okay...... MS.MIYAWAKI JJAEYEON can you tell me what is happening now?" Sakura is more than serious

"Let's eatttttt, the foods are here." Chaeyeon speaks at the sight of the ahjumaa bringing the foods in while Sakura is about to lose her shit with the stupid act from Chaeyeon.

"Let's eat first let's eat first, I'll explain afterward okay?." Chaeyeon is trying to convince Sakura

"Jjae-" Sakura was about to lose shit

"I am so hungry." Chaeyeon cutely whines while putting her hand on her stomach showing Sakura how hungry she is.

"Okay okay okay Whatever you want MS MIYAWAKI JJAEYEON." Sakura already so done with her stupid girlfriend so she just follows along.

"Woahhhhh I am so full that I want to vomit now." Chaeyeon making vomit sound

"Hahaha who told you to order this much? Served you right." Sakura laughs at her

"Ahhh I am really sleepy now, since I ate too much. Lets go home Kkura." Chaeyeon is trying to avoid answering Sakura's questions again.

"Wait dont you have anything to say?" Sakura asked

"Of course of course but Kkura-ah can we talk about it another time? Since its getting late now and you know my apart is really far from here." Chaeyeon cutely convincing Sakura

Sakura didnt say anything making Chaeyeon to drags her out of the food stall right away. Since Sakura's apart is close to the food stall, they only take 3 mins to reach it.

"Jjaeyeon..... you look like you are trying to avoid my question." Sakura worried looks appeared again

"Saku-chan...... i am not trying to avoid anything okay?" Chaeyeon is serious too this time

Chaeyeon cupped both of her gf face, " look at me Saku-chan, Nothing is happens to me, I am all okay, so dont worry." Chaeyeon kiss her forehead

Sakura grabs both of Chaeyeon's hand and pull it down from her face, "but where were you this morning?"

Chaeyeon looks into Sakura's eyes for a second and turned her head away, "its getting late now, go up Sakura, Im going now."

Chaeyeon make a hand gesture for Sakura to go up to her apartment. When Chaeyeon turned back, Sakura called Chaeyeon.

"Jjaeyeon-ah." Sakura called and she runs toward Chaeyeon and give her a tight hug making Chaeyeon to smile brightly.

"What is it huh?" Chaeyeon asked

"If you dont want to talk about it, its okay Ill stop asking you about what had happens this morning. But you must remembered that I am always here to listen to all of your story Jjaeyeon." Sakura was about to cry.

"Thank you Saku-chan." Chaeyeon

To be continued......

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