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Everyone is preparing to go to the beach early in the morning.

"Yahhhhhhhh Anh Yujin paila." Yena shout

"I am going I am going can you please stop shouting early in the damn morning." Yujin

"You two stop arguing and come to help." Yuri


"Woahhhhh its beautiful, its been a while since I come to the beach." Chaeyeon

"Yeah because I dont like it thats why." Sakura mumbling to herself.

"H-huh?" Chaeyeon cluelessly

"N-no i mean its beautiful." Sakura lied and smile

"Guyssssss lets take a picture." Yena

"One two three *click click click*"

"Woahhhh the sun is setting." Yujin

"Its beautiful." Yuri

"Woahh." Chaeyeon

Suddenly Sakura who stand at the end next to Chaeyeon, a give a flash kiss on Chaeyeon's cheek making her to stun, froze in one place while looking at Sakura, the shy Sakura just put her head down. Luckily the rests were busy watching the sunset so they didnt notice Sakura and Chaeyeon.  

"Yah yah yah, should ride a banana boat?" Yena

"What?" Yuri asked

"The banana where they will drop us in the middle of the sea." Yujin

"Scaredy cat Yena want to ride that extreme boat?" Minjoo

"Dont forget am a duck 😎 duck can swim." Yena

"Ohhhhhhhhhh, lets do that its gonna be so fun." Chaeyeon

"Sa-sakura are you okay? You dont seem to like the idea." Yujin

"Yeah of course Sakura is the real scaredy cat, she cant do extreme sport." Yena said making everyone to look at Sakura

"N-nahh I can do it, i really can do it." Sakura nervously said. Chaeyeon wants to do it so i must do it too , its okay Sakura, its gonna fun and fun. Sakura thought to herself.


*Everyone is wearing the life vests and listening to the instruction on riding this extreme sport. Everyone except Sakura is having fun because Sakura doesnt really like doing extreme sport since she cant swim.*

"Sakura are you okay?, if you scare dont do it." Yuri

"U-uhhh no its fine i want to do it." Sakura said nervously and Chaeyeon take a glance at her and when their eyes met, Chaeyeon give her a grin.


"Okay guys, it will take about 15mins for this ride so if anyone not wanting to do it, please tell me now because we cant bring you back during the ride." Instructor

"Sakura one last chance you really want to do it?" Yuri

"Yes ofc im doing it." Sakura

"Okay so get on the boat." Instructor

"3,2,1 Go" Instructor

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