A very bad idea

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*2 weeks later*

Notification: Yena added you to the group.

Sakura: what is this?
Yujin: I dont know.
Yena: Hey guys.
Sakura: Orrrr
Yujin: whats again? Why suddenly a group of three?
Yena: Its important thats why i created the group.
Yujin: Whats de hell is wrong with you Yena?
Sakura: She is probably took the wrong medicine. I am leaving
Yena: Yah wait. You will regret if you left.
Yena: Especially you Sakura
Yujin: What? Then why adding me in?
Yena: Because we need your help.
Sakura: What is it? Say it already.
Yena: I found an idea on how to make Chaeyeon gain back her memory.
Yujin: 😳😳😳
Yena: You guys dont believe? You dont want Chaeyeon to remember you Sakura?
Sakura:...... I do b-but.......I dont think there is a way.
Yena: Believe me
Yujin: Get into the point already please. I wanna sleep.
Yena: Come to my house now and I will tell you more detail.
Sakura: you better dont fool around Choi Yena.
Yujin: Ill kill you if you wasted my time.
Yena:........ believe it or not just come.

"Whats with that specs?" Yujin asked

"To look professional." Yena replied while making her professional face

"Okay so what now?"

"Calm down miss, wait for Miss Sakura first."

*Ding Dong*

"I guess she is here." Yujin

"Oh- whats with that specs Yena?" Sakura shocked

"TO....LOOK.....PROFESSIONAL." Yena repeated

"Ah-ah okay." Sakura panicked

"So when can we start, Ms.Professional?" Yujin asked

"In a moment." Yena response

"Yahhhhhh" Yujin shouted at Yena

"Okay okay okay." Yena panicked

"Based on my research, there are so many different kind of memory lost and all of those memory will be cured or not is depend on the patient her self as well as the people around them." Yena

"We knew that Yena." Yujin said making Yena to shakes her head.

"Okay just continue." Sakura

"Some patients gain back their memory because they only have a short term memory lost, while some other take longer time to gain back the memory and other gain back because they hit their head once again." Yena said

"But in Chaeyeon cases, she is only forgot the last people who involved in her incident so even she got hit again, she wont gain back her memory, Chaeyeon is hopeless."

"Are you even in you right mind Choi Yena?" Sakura stand up and angrily scold Yena

"You even have time to joke about something I am so stressed about." Sakura become teary

"Yena you are too much, if you are going to say sth useless like this why did you even bother to call us here at this hour? Your joke went too far." Yujin

Sakura is about to leave Yena's house.

"Cold water." Yena burst out making Sakura and Yujin to stop and turn back to look at Yena

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