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*Morning ad everyone start looking for Sakura and Chaeyeon who get lost last night*

"Sakuraaaaaa-ahh, Chaeyonnnn-ah." Yena

"Kkura-unnie, Chaeyeon unnie." Wonyoung

"Everyone listen, I know you guys are desperate to find them but please safety first, we cant let any of you get in trouble again. So i will only allow some students to go and look for them with other teacher."

"Yena, Yujin, Minjoo and Yuri you guys are the closest to them so i know you guys wont stay still without knowing where they are so you guys can go." Teacher

"I want to go too teacher." Wonyoung teary eyes begging the teacher

"No, not you Wonyoung, its too dangerous you stay here and help the other prepare." Teacher

"Nae." Wonyoung sadly move back.

After another search of 30mins in the morning. They finally reached the location where the two were at. The finding crew spot an abandon tent and go to look into it and they found Sakura and Chaeyeon both lying inside the tent and both of them dont look good at all.

"We found them now guys." Finding screws

"Chaeyeon, Sakura are you guys okay?." Yena shouted making both Chaeyeon and Sakura to wake up.

"Chaeyeon are you okay?" Minjoo kneeled down near Chaeyeon and asked her worriedly

Chaeyeon barely has any energy to reply to her so she just nods in response.

"What happened Sakura are you okay?" Yena asked

"Yeah I am okay, Jjaeyeon is sick she had a very high fever and also twisted her angle while trying to help me." Sakura

"Why are you guys moving out of the safety zone? Didnt i clearly announced that no crossing the safety line?" Teacher sad angrily making everyone silents.

"Lets go back to the tent and both of you better get treated because you will receive a punishment for disobeying the rules no matter what." Teacher

Neither Chaeyeon and Sakura had any energy left to walk because the two caught a cold and didnt had any lunch nor dinner ystd. So Minjoo and Yujin help Chaeyeon walks while Yena help Sakura.


In order to give Chaeyeon more space to sleep because she is sick, Yujin decided to move to sleep in a new tent while Yena who is receiving a punishment have no time to take care of Chaeyeon so Minjoo move to Chaeyeon's tent to take care of her. While Sakura is under the care of Yuri and Wonyoung.

Chaeyeon lies down in the tent after getting treated by the nurse. Minjoo putting a warm wet towel on Chaeyeon's head in order to reduce the fever. Chaeyeon who is not feeling well, falls a sleep.

Sakura who is feeling a bit better came out from her tent and go to Chaeyeon's tent to see her. When she arrived she pecked into Chae's tent she saw Minjoo busy taking care of Chaeyeon while Chaeyeon is sleeping, Minjoo try every method to cool Chaeyeon's down. At the sight like this make Sakura to feel sad because Chaeyeon become like this because of her and she didnt get to take her of Chae. Sakura moved back to her tent sadly.

"Chaeyeon-ah get better soon." Minjoo said while holding Chaeyeon's hand.

When Minjoo try to take off her hand, Chaeyeon grab it while being unconscious.

"Dont go." Chaeyeon mumbles while closing her eyes and grabbing Minjoo's hand

"Chae-." Minjoo

"Saku-chan dont go." Minjoo is disappointed and sad as she heard Chaeyeon called Sakura names instead of hers.

"Hmm... i am not going anywhere." Minjoo just sit back down, go along and hold Chae's hand.


Chaeyeon waking up feeling dizzy, while trying to get her hand to her head, she felt her hand is being hold by someone and its Minjoo. Chaeyeon gets a bit shocked at the sight that she spent a night with Minjoo while holding her hand all night long and come to realized that she called Minjoo, Saku-chan telling her not to go and holds her hand all night long.

"Oh god what was i thinking?" Chaeyeon whispers to herself and hit her head with her hand making Minjoo to woke up.

"Ohhh Chaeyeon-ah you are awake?" Minjoo asked while getting up and removed her hand from Chae's when she realized that she has been holding her hand for quiet a night.

"I am sorry Minjoo-ah."

"Whats for?"

"For bothering you a whole night and-" Chaeyeon paused


".........for not making you sleep properly." Chaeyeon lied

"A-ahhhh its fine Chaeyeon." Minjoo smiled

"Btw is Sakura's okay? I really have no idea what was going on ystd." Chaeyeon worriedly

"Ahhh she is fine, her condition is not as bad as you." Minjoo response

"I am going out abit Minjoo." Chaeyeon wants to go see Sakura but as soon as she gets up she feels dizzy.

"Chaeyeon-ah are you okay? Sleep a bit more Chaeyeon, go and see Sakura after you feel better. Dont worry Sakura is fine Yuri and Wonyoung is taking of her."

Chaeyeon nods and take a bit more rest.

To be continued......

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