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"Sakura, Chaeyeon will have her last surgery next week and thing is uncertainty so please, please promise that you will always at least stay by her side no matter what." Minjoo said with her teary eyes looking into Sakura.

"Yes of course no matter what I ll always be there for her."


*Chaeyeon lying on her bed waiting to receive her chemical treatment for today*

"J-jaeyeon." Sakura tears drop as soon as she see Chaeyeon who is lying on her bed.

"S-sakura." Chaeyeon flustered at the sight of Sakura infront of her because she didnt expect anyone to know she is here, especially Sakura.

"Why are you here?" Chaeyeon acting mad at Sakura.

Then Minjoo appeared in the room as well.

"Chaeyeon, I am sorry." Minjoo said to Chaeyeon with an apologetic eyes. And then Sakura runs to hug Chaeyeon will all her might.

"Sorry for not keeping my promise Chaeyeon." Minjoo said to Chaeyeon, Chaeyeon seems to understand what Minjoo's mean so she wrapped her hands around Sakura's waist slowly and and her tears start to falls.

"I am so sorry Jjaeyeon, I am the stupidest person in the world, Is hod have known it from the start." Sakura cries while hugging Chaeyeon tightly.

"I am sorry Saku-chan for lying to you." Chaeyeon

Sakura pulls Chaeyeon away slowly and cupped Chaeyeon's face "Jjaeyeon, look at me.....you must promise that you will not do this again okay? No matter what remember that I will always stay by your side and will always walk through whatever with you just like you did to me." Chaeyeon sit still for a moment and said "so sorry Sakura I cant promise you that."

"What?" Sakura confusedly asked

"I cant let you see me die Sakura, I cant let you handle the pain."

"Lee Chaeyeon.......is that the only thing you can say? Am i not worth enough to stay by your side OR is our  5 relationship is not enough for us to go went this thing tgt? I am so disappointed Lee Chaeyeon." Sakura disappointedly said.

"Is not like that Saku-chan."

"Then what?"

Chaeyeon pulls Sakura to another hug " you know how much I love you Sakura?.....I love you to the point where I can give up my whole life for you..... Thats why i cant stan watching you in pain, I cant let you see me die........

"Jjaeyeon, why are you so stupid? Did you date me 5 years just to be this stupid? Stop saying all these useless words because I wont date others beside you Lee Jjaeyeon so you must survive this battle if you dont want me to get hurt."


"No more words, its a must, you must survive this no matter what because we are going to continue dating."

Sorry for the short and non-sense ep 😂 sorry but please do comment the feedback. Ill be back with a longer one as soon as possible.

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