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After the school field trip everyone returned to school as usual. Sakura and Chaeyeon who disobeyed the rule during the trip were called by the teacher to the principal room.

"Annyeonghaseyo." Chaeyeon and Sakura greeted the teacher and sit down.

"You guys even have the gut to sit down here?" Teacher madly said to both of them, making them to immediately stand up back and shockingly stare at each other.

"Lee Chaeyeon now tell me what have to done to make both of you comes here?"

"U-uhmmm..... we crossed the safety line during the trip." Chaeyeon panicky replied

"At least you know what you did wrong.....Miyawaki Sakura why did you even-."

"I'm sorry for disobeying the rule." Sakura interrupted teacher and bow.

"Anyway, how is your leg Chaeyeon?" Teacher asked making Sakura to turns to Chaeyeon and stares at her worriedly.

"A-ahhh nae I'm okay sam, no worry." Chaeyeon response with a big smile

"No matter what, you guys did disobey the rule so you must receive a punishment."

"Naeeee." Chaeyeon and Sakura answer while pouting

"The two of you must clean the gym after class for a whole week as your punishment no exception."

The two did not answer making the teacher to get mad.

"Did you guys hear it or not?" Teacher madly ask


"You twoooo go back to class now."


"Ohhhh, Chaeyeon-ah, Sakura-ah why did the teacher ask you to meet?" Yena

The two go to their seats.

"Just about the disobeying trip rule thingy." Chaeyeon

"So what happened at the principal room basically?" Minju ask curiously

"Ssam told us to clean the gym for a week as our punishment?" Chaeyeon

"Gym? Woahahhahahahhahahaha." Yena laughs making Sakura to stares at her

"Oh my god." Yuri

"Otteokae Chaeyeon-ah, should i help you?" Minjoo

"Nahhh, its my punishment i can handle it myself dont worry." Chaeyeon thankfully said

"So you will start cleaning today?" Yena asked

"Hmmm... maybe." Chaeyeon replied


*5:00pm class ended*

Everyone starts packing their stuff and go back home while some go to academic and some to for a movie date.

"Sakura should we go to see movie today?" Yuri asked

"Nahhh, not today. I mean not this week Yuri-ah I still have to punishment remember?" Sakura sadly replied Yuri

"Ahhhh yeah i forgot." Yuri

"Just go Saku-chan Ill handle it today, you can start doing it tmr." Chaeyeon said and winked

"Hoooooo." Yena and Yujin teases Chaeyeon

"Nah, its fine Yuri let go next time." Sakura coldly replied and start moving to the school gym.

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