KkuChaen's night

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Everyone leaves Chaeyeon's apartment after the party, leaving KkuChaen alone in the apartment cleaning up the trash.

"Actually we can just clean it up tmr morning Chaeyeon." Sakura said whiling help picking some trash on the table.

"Nahhhh, Ill chose to sleep than waking up early just to clean up, if you are tired just go to sleep first Kkura, it will be done in a moment."

"WHAT?! Who said am tired? I am not, Ill help you, we will clean up this together if you want, i just ask because i scared that you might feel tired as you just got discharged."

Chaeyeon smiles a little at Sakura, "okey okey, whatever you want princess."

The two done cleaning up everything at 12:00PM.

Sakura dropped her self on Chaeyeon's bed and breath in and out heavily as a sign that she is tired. Chaeyeon then follows Sakura by putting her self next to Sakuras' on her bed.

Chaeyeon turned her head to see Sakura and laughs a bit.

"What?" Sakura looks at Chaeyeon and ask her.

"Nothing." Chaeyeon said and smile.

Sakura sit up, "What do you mean nothing? You just look at me and laughs."

"Its really nothing, i just feel like laughing." Chaeyeon laughs again at Sakura

Sakura is annoyed at the fact that Chaeyeon laughs at her and not telling her why. She sit closer to Chaeyeon who is still sleep on the bed and move closer to Chaeyeon's face, "Arent you really going to tell me what happened, Chaeyeon-ssi?"

Chaeyeon gulps, "..... if not.... what are you going to do to me, Miyawaki-san?"

Sakura smiles evilly, "okay try it then.......why are you laughing Chaeyeonnie?"

Chaeyeon looks into Sakura's eyes and break into a little laughs again, " nothing, its really nothing babe."

Without hesitating Sakura pecks onto Chaeyeon's lip, making Chaeyeon to panic and turns red, "....Y-yahh you cant do this so sudden."

"I told you to tell me what happened did I?" Sakura give another evil smiles

"I-its really nothing Saku-chan."

"Saku-......*laughs* .. Saku please.....*laughs* please stop it .....*laughs*." Chaeyeon rolls on the bed trying to escape from Sakura who enjoys tickling her.

"So are you going to tell me or not?" Sakura asked as she continue tickling the dying Chaeyeon who almost dies from laughing and the tickling.

"....i-its....*laughs*..... its really nothing....*laughs* omg stop it....*laughs*...... please.....*laughs*."

Sakura finally stops as she is also exhausted. Sakura sleeps next to Chaeyeon who is busy catching up her breathe.

After a few second Chaeyeon sits up, " YAH... you kn-." Before Chaeyeon could finished up her sentence, Sakura pulls Chaeyeon to sleep on her chest whiling wrapping her arm around Chaeyeon.

"....yah...." Chaeyeon give a soft whisper

"Just stay still,  just stay like this for a moment..... please." Sakura hugs Chaeyeon tightly while Chaeyeon just relax herself and enjoy Sakura's hug.

After 5 minutes, Sakura breaks the silent, " its been a while."

"Huh?" Chaeyeon asked while playing with Sakura's fingers which hug on to her.

"Its been a while since we got this close."

"Really?" Chaeyeon plays fool

"Yeah because there was a girl who foolishly pretended to have another gf kissing infront of me, lying to me, dying alone..... many things more." Sakura trying to annoys Chaeyeon

"Yah, as if you didnt start it." Chaeyeon shot back

"As if i did that because i hate you." Sakura replied

"Heol~ as if i did that for myself."

"Okay okay okay you win Miss, you win." Sakura said and got a hit from Chaeyeon.

Sakura suddenly sit up again but this time pulls Chaeyeon up too. She holds both Chaeyeon shoulders, ".....you must promise me.....you must tell me every single thing that happened..... just every little thing okay?"

"Okay?" Sakura confirmed the stunned Chaeyeon who is having a teary eyes now.

"Dont cry baby..... please dont cry." Sakura panic at the sight that Chaeyeon is crying at her words. Sakura comfort Chaeyeon by hugging her and keep repeating, "dont cry baby."

"I am sorry." Chaeyeon whisper to Sakura's ear

"Why? You didnt do anything."

Chaeyeon shakes her head while staying on Sakura's shoulder, " I feel like i have done so wrong toward you."

"Pabo, you didnt do anything wrong, dont say sorry."

Sakura pulls Chaeyeon from her and cupped Chaeyeon's face using both of her hands and wiped off her tears, "stop crying already okay?"

"We must tell each other whatever that happen okay?" Sakura said and Chaeyeon nods

Sakura pulls Chaeyeon's face and her face closer and start giving each other a deep and passionate kiss which they havent had for a while during the incident. Chaeyeon wrapped her arms around Sakura's shoulder and follow along the kiss. After a few minutes the two give each other time to catch a breathe putting their forehead facing each other and dropped their body onto the bed hugging each other tightly and sleep.

To be continued.......

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