Graduation's Day

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Sakura's POV

Finally our graduation's day is here, Chaeyeon and I woke up early today so we wont be late on our graduation's day.  Today we walk to school while interlocking our hands, since its our last school day, we prefer to walk to school because we want to revisit our old dating places that we used to go as a student.

It took us 30mins to walk from Chaeyeon's apartment to our school. We passed by so many of our dating places on the way, the claw machine which is Chaeyeon's favorite but she really bad at it. Chaeyeon would begged me to get her her fav doll or stuff from the claw machine, she wont go anywhere unless she got what she wants, sounds childish of her right? But that is also one of the reasons i falls hard for her.

We also passed by our favorite cinema, I remember that Chaeyeon would always big tons of popcorn whenever we are watching movie, not because she loves it but because she knows that I love popcorn. Chaeyeon doesnt like sweet snack but still buy tons of it just for me. The sweetest of hers right? Yes of course <3 The weirdest thing is she bought too much, that we would throw it away every times 🤦🏼‍♀️

The last stop before we reached our school is the park. We spent most of our times together at the park, either of us would always come to the park whenever we feel sad. Its one of the best memories that we shared as well as our favorite place. If one is sad, the other would try her best to comfort by telling jokes or playing at the slides and wait hours until the other one feel little better. We wont rush thing by asking what happen? However, we give each other times to calm down and trying to comfort each other without asking anything.


"GUYS." The late Yena starts calling the rest of the team.

"Yah Choi Yena why are you so late." Yujin scolds Yena

"Yah its not that i want to be late, this is the fastest i can get you know." Yena pouts

"Stop arguing, Yena go put on your gown the ceremony is starting now." Chaeyeon

The ceremony is starting, now its time for them to go up on stage and receive their graduation certificate.

"We would like to invite our top scorers to come on stage and give a speech, give them an around of applaud." Teacher

"Hoooooooooo." Everyone cheers for their class top scorer.

"Sakura Sakura Sakura." Sakura's classmate and the whole school cheers for her since Sakura is her class top scorer.

"...u-uh.... Annyeonghaseyo I am Miyawaki Sakura from class 12-A. *everyone cheers* Its my honor to give a speech as a representative of my 12-A class. First of all, congratulation to everyone here, finally we are all graduated. *cheers* We are able to graduate, all thanks to our teachers who play an important role in making this happen, our parents who have been very supportive in both economically and emotionally *everyone laughs* school staffs and directors who make things more convenient for us and last but not least our classmate who make the class more enjoyable. Thank you so much. Well, I know its hard and its tiring but after all we still make it at last. For me school life is the most memorable memory ever, as i am able to experience so many things bad good basically every little things. I would love to thanks these people who make my school life more meaningful Yena, Yujin, Yuri, Minju and Chaeyeon *Sakura looks at the girls direction and smile and the girls wave at her and return the smile* Yena and Yujin eventhough you guys are dorks, playful but without you guys my life who be really boring thank you for always be the best friend of mine *Yujin and Yena make a heart sign toward Sakura* Yuri who have always been a mature friend thank you for always listen to my pointless story and help me solve it *Yuri give a big grin* Minju even though you have only been here for a few months but we have alot of memory together thank you for always being the maturest friend within the group *Minju smiles and make a heart* and lastly my one and only love Lee Jjaeyeon *Sakura paused and look at Chaeyeon direction and smile* we have been through alot together these past years, thank you for always being by my side, listen to my worries, comfort me, share both of my sadness and happiness I cant thank you enough Chaeyeon, without you i dont think i am able to come this far thank you so much I love you I want to go forever with you Jjaeyeon *everyone cheers louder*

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