The Talk

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After the class ended, Chaeyeon goes straight to the cafe near the school where Sakura and her usually went.

Chaeyeon arrived before Sakura and she ordered hers and Sakura's favorite drinks.

"Oh... you are here." Chaeyeon said as Sakura arrived

The two didnt say anything for about 10mins.

"Why arent you drinking? Its your favorite drinks isnt it?" Chaeyeon burst out.

"Jjaeyeon.... people do change, so do i?" Sakura replied turned on the silent mode once again.

"So.... what do you want to talk about?" Sakura started the conversation.

"Why?" Chaeyeon asked

"What do you why?" Sakura

"Why are you breaking up with me?" Chaeyeon

"Didnt I made it clear that night? We cant continue our relationship because its only gonna hurt both of us more in the future."

"Sakura..... I know you still love me... alot I know that..... why cant we just stay like before?" Chaeyeon speak while grabbing Sakura's hands

Sakura removed her hands off, "I want to end it in a good term with you Jjaeyeon but if you still continue to be like this, I dont think we have anything more to talk, am going now." Sakura gets up from the chair

"Sakura..." Chaeyeon also gets up from the chair making Sakura to stop.

"If you dont make it clear, Ill not going to give up. Chaeyeon response.

"Do what ever you want because things wont change." Sakura replied and went out from the cafe.

Sakura's POV

Its been 10 days since our broke up and guess what? Chaeyeon is still the same, when she said she wont give up she really meant it. I mean she would get me lunch, come and talk to me, play with my hair, hold my hand, walk me home as if we are still dating, even I try my best to avoid her. It just make me cant get over her.

Today is our photoshoot day, its been a while since we have a photoshoot together. Today's concept is "Couple concept", we must hold hand, back hugging, act closely as if we are dating and it is so hard for me because I would always try to avoid her.

We are interlocking our hand for quiet along time and its the longest interlocking that we hold each other hand since the day we break up. As well as her hug, its still the best and the warmest hug ever. I really miss holding her hand, miss hugging her and miss kissing her but I cant show it because we are breaking up now.

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