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When the bell rang after math, I walked down the hall and rushed out of school. I wanted to be there first, in case it was Amber, even though she wasn't in school today. I pulled out my phone and texted Zac that I was gonna hang out with friends. I waited patiently under the bleachers. Then I heard approaching footsteps. I looked over to see Elena walking over. I shivered. Why her?

"Hi." She said.

"Hi." I replied.

"Bet you didn't expect me." She said. I shook my head. I should've expected her.

"Yeah, not really. Sorry." I said.

"It's fine. It's not me." She stated. I raised an eyebrow. Did that mean someone else liked me?

"But I was told someone would wait for me?" I said.

"I know. She regretted passing that note and faked being sick because she was afraid you'd reject her." Amber Johnson likes me. Amber Johnson thought I would reject her. Holy shit.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said. "Sorry." She said. She stayed for a second before walking away. I pulled out my phone and opened snapchat. I opened my messages with Amber.


I turned my phone off, but kept it in my hand and looked at it. After a few minutes, a snapchat messaging saying "Amber is typing..." appeared on the screen. I quickly unlocked my phone and opened snapchat just as the message appeared.

Uh hey. I'm sorry I couldn't make it today.

Yeah, me too.

I turned my phone off and started walking. Tears filled my eyes as I walked, but none left my eyes. I began to walk down the road towards my house. This was gonna be a painful twenty minute walk home. It was also cold, but I didn't really mind. I stuck my hands in my hoodie pocket and headed down the road. Cars sped by me without a care in the world. As if I wasn't there. There was no sidewalk for me to walk on, so I was in the breakdown lane. If I just stepped an inch or two to my left, a car would hit me. Not necessarily a bad thing. I would love to end it all. But right now, I couldn't do that to Cody. Or to Zac. Cody was trying to keep his parents together, who have not stopped arguing over money since he got top surgery a month and a half ago. He kept offering to get a job for it, but his parents turned down his offers. He needed me so he wouldn't feel useless. I turned down my street and was relieved by seeing no car in my driveway. My mother was still at work. That meant I had time to kill before she came home and beat me. I walked up the front steps of my house and walked in the front door. Rico greeted me with a bark from the kitchen. I kicked off my shoes and ran upstairs and went into my room. I closed the door, locked it, and laid on my bed. All I thought about was everything that happened with Amber. Why does the world hate me?

I walked into algebra, dreading the day so far. I told my friends what had happened yesterday. They all felt bad for me. Except Oliver. He told me to find someone else because Amber was a slutty bitch. He wasn't really wrong though. I sat in the back. Amber walked in and saw me. She smiled slightly and sat down. I had no focus while taking my quiz. It took me about thirty minutes to take the quiz. All I could think of was Amber...mostly naughty things about Amber. I finally stood up from my seat, walked to the front of the room, handed it in, and walked back to my seat. I avoided looking at Amber as I sat down, but she looked up at me. I definitely failed. It's hard to take a quiz when the girl who you liked was afraid you would have rejected her is sitting in front of you, tapping her pencil the entire time. Finally, the bell rang. I pretty much jumped out of my seat and ran past Amber.

"Jordan!" I was halfway down the hall when I heard Amber shout my name. I didn't stop, I didn't turn around or flinch. I just kept walking. Then I felt a warm hand gripping my wrist. I turned to see Amber.

"Can we talk?" She asked.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." I said.

"Jordan." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"We need to talk." She tightened her grip on my wrist. I sighed.

"Fine." I said. She immediately began dragging me down the hall before walking into the bathroom. She let go of my wrist and leaned against the door looking at me.

"I'm sorry. It was selfish for me to stand you up. I was afraid of rejection." She said.

"Why? You're beautiful and popular and I'm all ugly and shit. We never even talk." I realized what I said. Oh fuck. I blushed. She smiled and laughed a bit.

"Thanks." She said.

"Sorry." I said.

"Don't be." She said. "You're not ugly at all, Jordan. You're beautiful. And I've tried to talk to you before." I blushed a bit. She smiled back at me. That beautiful smile. That fucking did it for me. I wasn't upset with her anymore.

"So..." I began

"Uhm...would you like to go out on a date with me sometime?" She asked. Hell fucking yes.

"I'd love to." I smiled. I never thought I would be asked out on a date in a bathroom. I never thought I'd be asked out by Amber fucking Johnson. Never in a million years would I imagine Amber dragging me down the hall into a bathroom, blocking the door so I couldn't leave, and then asking me out. Apparently life has surprising twists that never in a million years you'd think would happen.

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