Chapter One: We're Going Back

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Winter. A cold and dreadful season within the so-called "safety" of the walls. Cold air drifting over the towns and cities, frozen droplets of water falling gently from the sky, and the townspeople preparing for the upcoming holidays. The lively chatter from citizen to citizen seemed almost impossible to comprehend sometimes, but the two men had bigger plans to keep the citizens like that. Seeing as these two were the only ones who could fully comprehend what the Survey Corps really is and what they do, they plan to bring these new discoveries to light while saving those close to them. This task was never going to be easy, by doing this they were turning their backs on humanity for the greater good. They were risking their lives for save humanity inside the walls, and if they failed they would face the gallows before everyone they tried to save. Neither of the two men wanted that so they would have to take time to plan everything out and wait for the perfect time to commence their operation.

The shorter male between the two walked with the taller male atop Wall Rose overlooking Trost District and the sunrise in front of them. The sky was covered in blues, purples, and scattered pinks and oranges. One would call it a master piece from an artist that gave off a peaceful setting and relaxing atmosphere, but things were anything but relaxing and peaceful. The shorter male, Humanity's Strongest Soldier, spoke up to the one called Humanity's Last Hope.

" There's one last view I wanted to show you, if you don't mind that is."

" Sure thing, and besides." The taller male took a hold of the shorter males hand in his, " There's nothing I wouldn't do for or with you. You know that more than anyone else." The taller male nudged the male he called his lover gently.

" ! Shut it brat... I wanted to show you this view before we got you from outside the walls."

" You mean saved me?" 

" Eren so help me."

" ! Levi! Ahaha!"

The teenager, Eren, and the man, Levi, played around as they were reaching the place that the man was talking about. As they looked at the city of Trost District from the Captain's favorite spot a chilling air gusted past them, causing the man to shudder from the winter's cold air. Eren looked over to his lover and smiled gently as he removed his hooded cape and covered Levi with it, making the man look up to him in bewilderment.

" Can't have you getting sick now can we?"

" Then you'll get sick."

" Don't worry about me, I can't get sick that easily."

" You better not be calling me weak or else."

" Or else what? What'll you do?"

" I'll throw you off this cliff."

" Then I'll just have to transform and blow our cover now won't I?"

Levi closed his mouth as he was about to retort his subordinate and puffed his cheeks wrapping himself with Eren's cape. As they were standing and waiting for the rising sun to reach it's peak, Levi asked a question that had been bothering him since they escaped the Surevy Corps' headquarters a couple months ago.

" Back on that day, when you said you wanted to save everyone. What did you mean by it?"

" Exactly what I said." Eren turned to face Levi and continued, " I want to save everyone in the Survey Corps, and that means Armin and Erwin if possible. Even though he's the one behind this we still need him in the Corps."

" Eren how can you save a man that did those things to us?! I say we turn him over to the gallows when all is said and done, that bastard needs to pay and he'll pay with his life."

Eren grabbed Levi's hands and brought them up between their faces as he spoke again, " I know how you feel about it Levi, but if there's even the slimmest part of him that is the Commander we know then that's all I need to see that he's worth saving. Armin was dragged into this mess because of my recklessness and stupidity but I'm going to make damn sure he's back with us."

" But what will you do if you're caught by them? Or me? What if they try to mess with our heads and they trick us into joining with them? What wi-!"

Eren brought his lover in for a tight embrace and supported Levi's head with his hand, and kissed him passionately. When the two backed away Levi looked straight at Eren's chest where his heart would be. He used his hand to gently touch the teenagers chest and stomach where he had seen his internal injuries while thinking of what they might do to take advantage of them.

" You're worried about what they might do to me, aren't you?"

Levi nodded, keeping quiet.

" Look at me, Levi."

The man did so and was entranced by Eren's soft and caring smile.

" I'll make sure they won't lay their filthy hands on you or myself, you have my word on that."

Levi chuckled faintly and buried his face into the teenagers chest and spoke quietly.

" Stupid brat, don't make promises you can't keep. If they catch you though, I'll get you back."

" Same to you, I love you. Levi."

" I love you too Eren. Ah! Look, the sun's at it's peak!"

" Come on!"

Eren grabbed Levi's hand and ran for the best view for the both of them to see Trost District in it's beauty. As they were running they were making small jokes and poking fun at each other, but both men weren't aware that this scene may be the last they will get to share. Seeing how much they have prepared for this mission they weren't aware how much more prepared the Survey Corps. was as they were expecting the two fairly soon. These last moments of peace and tranquility would be the last for either one of them or both men, and in situations like these, one couldn't tell. All they can do is let their stories unfold and see how they will end when the time comes. Two men against humanity. Where they stand, their chances in winning the way they want were very low.

AN: Here's the first chapter to this finally, and I just wanna say this now. I may not be able to update so much seeing as the third quarter of school is already getting pretty hectic and classes keep piling homework and such onto me. So I do apologize for the inconvenience. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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