Chapter Twenty-Two: Reluctant Heroes

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Eren, Levi, and the rest of their group made it back to Headquarters and were sneaking past the soldiers stationed on guard. Levi thought it best to return to Erwin's office to see if they missed anything, so that was their main objective at the moment. Things went smoothly and the group made it to the office. Once they were inside, they locked the door and kept Reiner and Bertholdt to guard the door.

Everyone began searching the room for anything that linked to Eren, split personalities, anything. The search went on for an hour, then two, then four, then eight.

Eren continued to search the room as Levi and the rest were taking a break.

" Come on man, we looked everywhere and you're still searching?" Jean asked with exhaustion.

" If you're not careful with how you look at things, you won't find what lies underneath."

" What?"

" Eren's right. You can all rest, I'll help him some more." Levi announced as he stood up.

The two lovers searched the room for about three hours before the raven decided to give up. Eren, however, remained stubborn and continued to search. As his friends continued to tell him that he should quit too, he persisted in his search. Another two hours went by, and there was still nothing. Eren decided to check the desk once more before calling it quits, so he went back to the wooden piece of furniture and sat down on the chair that sat behind it.

He searched the drawers and just as he was about to close one, he noticed something was off. He thought about it for a bit before realizing that the bottom of the drawer was a fake bottom.

" Guys! I found something!" Eren exclaimed in a hushed tone.

Everyone's head perked up in an instant and hurriedly stood up. Levi reached the brunette before everyone else and embraced him with one arm.

" Great job."

" I don't know if this will be worth anything, but it's better than nothing—"

" What is it?" The raven questioned.

Eren slowly backed away from what he saw in the drawer. One would say it would be silly to back away from something not so terrifying; however, what lay inside the drawer were badges of deceased comrades. Two of which were fresh.

Levi picked the fresh ones out from the drawer and read the names of whom they belonged to.

' Eren Jaeger '

' Levi Ackerman '

" These are ours, Eren. Erwin thought he'd have us killed, so he took our badges for his collection." Levi threw the badges back into the drawer and looked at the group surrounding the drawer, " Now you see who our previous Commander was. He was a murderer, and it's our job that we set things right."

" We're fighting back. We have to, for our comrades who fell to Erwin, and for those who are still under his influence. We fight!" Eren spoke with vehemence.

Levi watched as the brunette took out his blades and started walking towards the door.

" Hold on, we need a plan."

" We have one. It may not present itself directly, but you know what it is."

" Eren..."

" We're reluctant heroes, Levi. I think it's time to change that."

Levi noticed the brunette's confidence in his words, but he noticed something else as well.

" You're shaking... You don't believe we'll get through this unscathed, do you?"

" If anyone is to die, it's going to be me. I'm not letting any of you die today."

Upon hearing this from the brunette, Levi grasped the teen's arm. He recalled what Hanji had told him, and he didn't want Eren to die for someone else. He didn't know how he'd live with himself if Eren died.

" Levi, it's going to be okay. You have to promise me, though, that you'll eradicate the Titans if I die. Promise me."

" I can't Eren! I won't!"

" Alright. Then, promise me you'll love me from now and forever?"

" I have, and I always will, you damn brat."

Eren smiled and embraced Levi for, what neither of them would know, the last time.

" Our revolution starts now! Knock out any who come for you, if they won't go down and try to kill you, eliminate them." Eren rose his blade into the air, pointing it at the ceiling.

After which, he lowered it and motioned for Reiner and Bertholdt to open the door. Once it was open, the room was immediately swarmed with soldiers. Without hesitation, Eren began cutting his way out of the cramped room.

When the brunette made it outside, he saw that the moon was at its peak, but he didn't mind. He continued towards a tall view point so he'd draw all the attention of the soldiers towards him. Once he found that spot, he took in a deep breath and let it out.

" Listen well and listen close!" He started, and everyone below him stopped fighting, " You all have been played for fools by Commander Erwin Smith! However, he is no longer with us! You are free because of me! I'm the one who killed the Commander!"

Eren listened to the gasps and ridiculed that went towards him, but he didn't care what they thought of him. He only wanted them to come to their senses.

" You've been blinded simply because of high authority, and I find that disgraceful! Under slight respect for Commander Erwin, we will comply with his wish of Hanji Zoe taking his place as Commander! Anyone who opposes only because I am speaking, I'll cut you down from where you stand!"

When Eren finished, he jumped down carefully back to the ground. As he walked, after reaching the ground, the soldiers backed away from him. He made it to Levi and simply stared at him.

" I know this won't be enough, some will revolt and take their anger out on me, but that's what I want."

" Eren! Could you hold on for a second and think about the people you'd leave hurting?!" Levi exclaimed.

" I know, and I'm sorry, but at least it's better than watching one of you die in my eyes."

" How is this better?! We'd experience the same thing! You need to think this through and come up with a plan!"

As Levi expressed his thoughts to Eren and the rest of the group, no one noticed that Reiner and Bertholdt had left them.

AN: Here's chapter twenty-two. So, what do you think Reiner and Bertholdt are going to do? Any thoughts? Also, I'm gonna write until I finish this fanfic today, so that's why you're getting all these updates. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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