Chapter Twenty-Five: The Aftermath

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March. The time of the year where winter would transform into spring, where snow would melt thus giving way for the trees and flowers to blossom and bloom. The time of the year where mothers of many species of different kinds could give birth to a child and begin to raise it, and the time of the year where many see spring as a pure and innocent start of the new year.

All this beauty yet Eren Jaeger couldn't comprehend it as he used to. It hasn't been long since what happened, but he still felt the emotions he did back then. Only, as time went by, he's almost grown into an empty shell. He hardly shows how he actually feels about things and he barely speaks; when he does it's so soft and quiet that no one will he hear him. The only voice he'll show emotion to is the one of Levi inside his head.

He was glad he could still keep his lover at his side, and knowing that Levi felt the same was reassuring, but he was starting to miss his personality that made it happen. Though, he was managing alright, so it didn't matter much.

Today was another warm day in the month of March, and today was the brunette's birthday. He had forgotten this but his lover hadn't.

" Eren, guess what today is."

" I don't know. I don't think today would be any special than any other day."

" Wrong. Today is special, and I can't believe you forgot about today."

Eren sighed and set the book he was reading down on his lap before looking at the ground.

" What's today?"

" It's your birthday, you damn brat. How could you forget your own birthday?"

" I guess... I don't see the point to it is anymore, it's just the day I was born and an indicator that I'm growing older. Besides, after getting to the basement and reclaiming Wall Maria, I've had a lot to think about."

" That's true, I've been reading all your thoughts and sorting them; there's a lot on your mind."

" Yeah. Besides, what's the point of celebrating my birthday when I'll die in eight years? I just don't get it."

Both were quiet until Levi shared a piece of his own mind.

" Eren, I'm going to do something that you won't like, but I want you to watch it."

Levi then displayed a memory of him, Eren, and the Levi Squad. They were celebrating Eren's birthday, having fun, talking, being free about themselves. The raven was right, Eren didn't like this, yet at the same time he did. He simply sat on a piece of housing, staring blankly at the ground, watching the memory play out till the end.

When it was finished, Eren stood up and started walking around his home town, Shiganshina. He was in the area where his old house was, so finding it wasn't too much of a task. When he found his house, he stared at it with the same blank expression.

" Doesn't looking at it bring back bad memories?"

" Not with you in my mind." Eren smiled. " So, shall we go back home?"

" I can't do anything to stop you, remember? You dummy."

" I know, that was the joke." Eren giggled as he turned and walked for the house he and Levi stayed at before they fixed everything.

" You need to work on your jokes, and you need a hair cut."

" It's not that long."

The two lovers continued their playful argument for some time before Eren went serious.

" Levi?"

" Yeah?"

" You know I love you, right?"

" ... Of course I do, and I do too. Since I can read your thoughts, you don't need to worry about me disappearing. I'll always be with you, and when you die, we'll get our wish of dying together."

Eren nodded and put on a big smile, walking on with a strong confidence and a new purpose in his life. He didn't know why he degraded himself so much, but that was going to change. From this point onward, he was going to live his life being free.

This was the story of a twisted love and twisted memories unfolding to reveal the twisted fate that lay before Eren Jaeger and Levi Ackerman.

AN: Here's the final chapter and part of the Twisted series!!! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this fanfic and the other two parts, if you read all of them up to this very last chapter, then thank you so much for sticking with me and reading this!!! Happy Halloween and I'll see you guys in a different fanfic!!!


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