Chapter Eighteen: Murderer!

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Pain. Agonizing, torturous, burning, immense, and everlasting pain. He tried to withstand it, but to no avail. He pondered how he was still alive, after all that's been done to him, but could make no conclusions. He was heartless, yet he could still feel it pounding in his chest. He was broken, yet he still had purpose to fight. He was used, yet his lover had forgiven him. The only thing he thought of was opening his eyes. What he saw was the orange sky and the grey clouds that were closing in to hide the beautiful view above him.

This man that has been mentioned is none other than Levi Ackerman. He began to sit up, still pondering if he was still alive or not, and held onto his chest as the pain increased. He looked around to get his bearings and then his eyes locked onto the corpse of a Titan. Only, this Titan was one that his subordinate, his lover, Eren Jaeger could create. The raven then began to proceed out of the bed he was on, carefully, and made his way over to the evaporating corpse. As he continued to grow closer to it, he began to see a crowd of soldiers within the Survey Corps circled around something. No, someone.

With each step, Levi could start to distinguish who this person was, and with each step his speed picked up. Before he knew it he was running towards the men and women circling Eren Jaeger, and as he ran he watched as they picked him up upon realizing that he was unconscious. The raven reached his hand out in front of, as if to grasp something out of his reach, and stumbled as he got closer.

" Wait! Don't take him away! That's an order!"

Some of the soldiers turned their heads to face their Captain, and hesitated with their previous orders in apprehending the teenaged Titan Shifter. One of them spoke up for the rest of them.

" Captain Levi?! Sir! What are doing here, sir!"

" The Commander, that's what. Now follow through with your orders and release Eren Jaeger immediately!" Levi replied as he finally made it to the group.

" Sir, we have orders from the Commander to apprehend the both of you. As we were ordered, you two are under arrest for high treason. Natasha, cuff him."

One of the female soldiers walked up to Levi, cuffs in hand, and grabbed ahold of her Captain's wrists harshly. At the moment that the woman grabbed him, Levi struggled against his captors. As he was fighting against them, the others of whom were holding onto Eren spoke up in alarm.

" He's stirring awake!"

" ... L-Levi..."

The raven stopped himself and looked over to Eren, and noticed that something was dripping off his face.

" Eren! Eren, look up at me! Please!"

The brunette did as he was asked, and what everyone saw shocked them. His eyes were different colours, one an amber yellow and the other his bright emerald green. However, what startled them the most was the fact that his tears were blood.

" Levi... I... I didn't m-mean to... No! I did it! I did it to protect us, and the Survey Corps! That man deserved death!"

" Eren... Calm down, we can work this out together... you just need to trust me..."

" Trust? T-trust.... yeah, yeah, trust... trust has given me nothing but heart ache and pain!" Levi watched as his lover was struggling with something, as he was shaking his head violently from side to side.

One of the soldiers holding the brunette broke the new silence that came over.

" Where is the Commander?!"

Suddenly, Eren stopped moving. He slowly raised his head, and on his face showed a huge, malicious smile. Both his eyes were amber yellow, his smile seemed to grow more and more as the group questioned him about the Commander. They received no answers.

" ... Eren... where's Erwin?" Levi asked quietly.

The smile on the brunette's face disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, and his eyes returned to their natural emerald green hue.

" I-I... I killed him... I had to, he has committed more acts of treason than we have... You have to believe me! You have to -!"

Before Eren could finish what he was going to say, the female soldier, Natasha, from before knocked him out with a hit to the back of the neck. Seeing this happen, Levi burst into action again, only to realize that they had restrained him while he was focused on Eren.

" We hereby arrest you, Captain Levi Ackerman, for high treason, and Scouting Cadet Eren Jaeger, for high treason and murder. Take them away."

Levi thrashed about, trying to slow them down so that maybe Eren would wake up and fight back, but all his efforts were to no avail. The raven looked over his shoulder and cried the brunette's name, hoping that he would hear him, and out of fear of leaving him and breaking his promise. He continued calling the brunette's name as he thrashed himself in his captors arms, trying to break free still.

Eventually, his captors were annoyed by his yelling and thrashing, so with one swift movement from Natasha, he was knocked out into unconsciousness.

AN: Here's chapter eighteen. Srry it's short, but I've had no motivation in writing. What happened between me and my dad still lingers in the back of my mind, so it'll take a while before I'm fully recovered from that. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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