Chapter Ten: It's Time, Armin

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The shocking discovery found by the 104th Scouting Cadets seemed to confirm some suspicions that Armin Arlert was indeed in on the Commander's plan. While the Ackermans still had yet to find their group, and the group of teenagers trying to overcome their newly found fear, the teen in question sat in the library reading some of the many books inside the room.

Though he was only interested in one book in particular. The book he showed his best friend, Eren Jaeger, when they were kids. It brought him so many memories that he cherished, but he knew that he had no right to cherish them the way he did. Especially after declaring to his friends whose side he was on. However, after what he said to Eren, he still treasured their dream of seeing the ocean someday.

Armin sighed and closed the book, standing up in the process, and put the book back on the shelf he kept it on. Ever since he was punished by Erwin for his involvement in helping Eren escape over the wall, he felt and thought differently than he used to. He didn't feel any different, but he knew that something had changed for him to go against his friends the way he did. He figured he'd try to talk with Historia as Eren had done, but the girl was so afraid of him that he did something that he'd never do to anyone. He beat her until she obeyed him, and then that's when he closed his eyes and went to sleep. Or at least, that's what he thought.

When he opened his eyes, he was in the library with no recollection on how he got there. He was confused about his own situation than the one his friends were in. It was as if he only cared about himself more than them, and that's something that he was scared of.

As he was trying to piece things together, Armin heard a voice in his head. The voice was his own, but at the same time it wasn't.

" You know you hate them, Armin. Let me use your body as I see fit, and Erwin will get what he wants. If he has that then all of this will be over."

" No, you're wrong. I don't hate them, not at all. They helped me so much through a lot, but I don't know why they're so scared of me now. Do you know anything?"

" They're not scared of you, they're envious of you. You have something that they don't have, and they're only jealous."

" And what would that be?"

" Me. Though, that Eren Jaeger boy is a bit of a problem. I'll have to eliminate him from the equation."

" You better not do anything to him! Or else!"

" Or else what, huh? You can't stop me, you can't stop anyone. You want to know why? "

He didn't want to hear this. Armin knew where this was going, but if anything, anything he could wish for right now, he wanted this voice to stop talking.

"It's because you can't do anything for anyone. All you do is get in the way. And all you do is cower behind your friends and have them stick their necks out for you. You're nothing more than a liability to them."

" Shut up!!!"

" Armin?"

The teenager slowly looked up as he heard a voice from outside his own mind. When he saw who it was, all of his tensions quickly disappeared. Commander Erwin Smith was the man who stood before the teen, and he looked at Armin with concern in his eyes.

" What's wrong? Who were you speaking with just now?"

" I- I don't know, there was this voice in my head. It was my voice but, it wasn't me. It scared me is all. By the way, why are you here Commander?"

" Interesting. I was looking for you since you weren't in my office, so I deduced that you would be in here. Listen, some of the files containing our plans for Eren Jaeger are missing. Which means one of two things. One: Eren Jaeger and Captain Levi have come back for me. Two: Someone within our ranks has turned against us."

" What? What are you talking about, and what are you going to do with Eren?!"

" I thought as much. You are just like Eren in the state you are in, his mind is split in two just like you. Both of you have completely separate beings inside your minds seeking to fulfill the desires you hold deep in the bottom of your hearts. It seems as though my tests have brought me all the information I needed. So, Armin, shall I bring out the other you I fell in love with?"

Armin tried to escape the man in front of him, but he was too slow. Erwin grabbed the teen harshly by the neck and lifted him up from the floor. The boy tried to loosen the man's grip on his neck, but before he could do anything to save himself he fell into his sleep like state. When Armin opened his eyes again, he looked straight into Erwin's eyes and let himself hang loosely, smiling.

" So you do love me, is that right?"

" I knew you'd save him from this."

" I saved myself. I need this body in order for me to have fun with you at night anyway, so unless you're into fucking dead bodies then by all means strangle me to death."

Erwin let go of his second favorite pet, " I don't find an interest in such activities believe it or not. Now then. I think it's time, Armin."

" Oh! Do I finally get to have my fun?!"

" Yes. You can have all the fun you want with your friends. Be sure to leave Eren for me."

" And what of Levi Ackerman? Can I play with him too?"

" No, you'll leave him to me as well."

" Well you better watch out or I might end up stealing your game."

Erwin chuckled and started to walk out of the room. Armin jumped in joy and ran ahead of the Commander to find his friends. While he was looking for them, Eren and his friends stood outside of the entrance of the room they found what Armin had been doing. With this, Eren was beginning to think that his dear childhood friend was too far off the deep end to save.

AN: Here's chapter ten. I wanted to add in Armin's and Erwin's POV or what they were doing while something was going on with Eren's group. So this part happens while chapter eleven is happening. Okay? Sweet. So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!


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