Chapter Twenty-Four: I'll Finish This

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After ten minutes of walking, Eren finally made it outside and immediately caught sight of the two murderers.

" Hey!!!"

The figures and everyone else stopped whatever they were doing and looked at him.

" I didn't get to say welcome back to you two! I must say, I didn't expect you to go stabbing me in the back like you did!"

As Eren spoke, flashes of memories of different times he spent with Levi appeared in his head, flashing by violently. Each one was precious to him, even the painful, sad, and lonely ones. He cherished all of them, from the bottom of his heart. Now, he wouldn't be able to make any more memories with the love of his life. No, his love was taken from him, and now he was going to take the people who did it away.

He was going to wipe them from existence.

" Listen, Eren. What you saw, wasn't us. Alright?"

" You're seriously going to try and bride me to keep quiet? No... No! I refuse to be told what to do, and I refuse to accept the fact that two people I called 'friends' killed my love! No, you've long since the privilege of being my friends."

" Eren!"

" No! I'll finish this... for Levi's sake."

Without inflicting harm to himself, Eren transformed into a Titan. His transformation, however, was different; blood poured from his body and went into the making of his Titan body.

When he was in control of his Titan body, he shifted his sights onto Reiner and Bertholdt. He quickly made a move to grab them but something unexpected occurred. Reiner transformed into a Titan as well.

The Armored Titan.

Seeing this Titan made the building saddened rage rise into a higher level. Not only had they killed Levi, but his mother as well. They deserve death! This was all that Eren could think of as he started to fight against the Armored Titan.

The fighting seemed to last forever, however, a turning point came for Eren and he used an opening and gained the advantage. After a struggle, Eren managed to bite Reiner out of his Titan body and ate him alive. After that he grabbed Bertholdt, after finding him trying to hide, and ate him as well.

His rage had blinded him, and as a result, he began rampaging Headquarters. His rampaging continued until his friends came outside and cut him out of his Titan body. He was exhausted from everything. Losing Levi, finding out who killed his mother, having a split personality, dealing with his friends back stabbing him, everything. Because of this, the brunette slipped into unconsciousness.

When he woke, he found himself in his old room in the Headquarters of the Survey Corps. He sat up and simply stared at his hands. He felt like he lost everything, yet at the same time he didn't. He was confused on how to feel at the moment, and as he was trying to sort out his thoughts he heard a voice. Only this time the voice was different. It was deeper and almost sounded scratchy.

" Eren, can you hear me?"

" Who... Wait... L-Levi?!"

" Eren! Thank god you're okay! How are you feeling? No, stop, don't think that! Why would you want to kill yourself?! Hold on... how could I read your mind? What's going on?"

Eren thought about it, and then realized what was happening.

" You probably read my thoughts already, but my personality replaced himself with you. He said it was the only way to save you if I truly wished it, but he's gone now..."

" I guess I'll have to get used to this... and I'm sorry about having to lose him... he was a good guy, Eren."

" He was."

Eren stopped talking as he heard a knock on the door.

" May we come in?"

" Yes!"

The door opened to reveal Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Historia, and Hanji. Historia was the first one inside the room to embrace the brunette in the bed.

" Oh my god Eren! I'm so glad your alive! You're not hurt anywhere, are you?!"

" I'm fine, Historia, and I have to thank you. Thank you for sticking with me and helping me out. I knew that night that you'd be the right person."

" Of course. I'll always be on your side, Eren, no matter what."

" So, Commander, how are things within the Survey Corps?"

" Well, after learning about Reiner being the Armored Titan, the soldiers here have regained their respect for you as Humanity's Last Hope. Everyone is back to their senses and those who did wrong were properly punished. There is one thing I'd like to add on as a doctor myself."

" Alright?"

" I set up a mop up team, so to speak, and we found the mansion where you killed Erwin Smith. While we were there, we found a heart, damaged. So we took it back with us to use as a donation for anyone with a poor heart. When we checked you out, your heart was in terrible shape, so we used it for a transplant."

Eren thought about what was being said to him, and then Levi spoke up.

" My heart beats inside you now, Eren. I'm overjoyed that you have it now. You should be too."

Eren was overjoyed, so much so that he began to cry his final tears. No, he wasn't going to die, he was only done crying. From that day onward, he was done crying. He was doing this for his sake and Levi's sake.

AN: Here's chapter twenty-four. The audio inspired the top portion of this chapter, with the flashes of memories and yeah. So, one more chapter left, but I'll get to it after I finish drawing a Halloween Special to put up on my YT channel tomorrow. I'll see you guys in the final chapter!!!


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