Chapter Thirteen: You Did Nothing Wrong

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The Captain and Titan Shifter returned to the infirmary upon hearing that Armin had woken up, but was in a delirious state. Eren rushed to his childhood friend and pinned him down to the bed to refrain him from moving. The nurse, Julia, was off finding the sedative to calm him.

" Get your hands off me!!! I demand it!!! Let go!!! Gah!!!"

" Armin! Stop! Please!"

The unfruitful arguing continued until he suddenly went calm. Eren hesitantly sat his friend up in his bed, still holding onto him, by the wrists. Suddenly, Armin brought his hands to his head and grasped his hair tightly. He wore a terrified expression, almost as though he had a sudden realization.

" Armin?" Eren called for his childhood friend.

" ... Eren... What did I... What did I do to you?..."

" Oh my god, Armin!" The brunette embraced his childhood friend tightly, " I thought you were gone!"

Armin roughly released himself from Eren's hold and looked at him with the same terrified expression. He was begging for an answer to his question with each passing second.

Eren took in a small breath before answering.

" You did nothing wrong, Armin. It's Erwin's doing. He's the one to blame for your current state, he's the one that turned against the Corps, he's the one who's after me. Trust me, Armin, you did nothing."

Armin continuously shook his head, not believing what he was being told.

" No... no, no, no, no... I thought I killed you... that corpse... it was you, Eren..."

Everyone was confused and worried about their friend, but the tenacity that Eren displayed in bringing Armin back to his senses was enough to make them put more effort in doing to same.

" Armin, you're being tricked by the Commander. He's using you, he's using Eren, and he's used Captain Levi. Eren and the Captain have broke free from the Commander's grasp, so you have to too. You can do so by joining us." Jean explained and held out his hand to the blonde, " Please, Armin."

Armin looked up to Jean, his worries diminishing, and he soon gained control of himself.

It took about ten minutes, but Armin was back to his normal state. Eren was explaining to him about the personality he possessed and how to control it, but being honest, Eren didn't know how to control a personality this dangerous.

While the brunette explained the existence of the personality, he could hear his personality telling him what to say, what to tell the blonde.

After Eren finished explaining, he sighed and fell asleep right where he sat. Everyone was concerned, but Levi soon eased their uneasiness.

" He'll be fine. He's just exhausted. He's been pushing himself too hard, for your sakes, so you should be grateful." As he spoke, the raven picked up the brunette and laid him into a bed that was next to Armin's.

He brushed Eren's hair behind his ears before laying a kiss on his forehead.

When Mikasa saw this, she felt a boiling rage but felt happy at the same time. She sighed harshly before giving up and wearing a small smile of her own.

" You better take good care of him, Captain Levi."

Levi looked up to her immediately and soon relaxed, " I will, and, thank you, Mikasa."

She nodded before turning on her heels and walking up to the nurse to help with anything she could.

Armin was glad, too, that Eren had someone to look after him and he could look after for as well. He thought it would be good for him in that sense.

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