Chapter Nine: We Need To Tell Them

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While Eren and his friends were on their way to find Armin, Levi and Mikasa had arrived at the Commander's office for their investigation. They scanned the room and saw that no one was inside, so they went in and immediately started searching through files and books. Levi looked through a few books on the bookshelves that seemed to catch his eye, while Mikasa looked through the Commander's desk drawers and cabinets. As the two searched, they started to feel as though they weren't going to find anything, until the girl came across one drawer and noticed a false bottom.

" Captain, I think I may have found something."

" About time one of us did, none of these books seem to draw suspicion but it makes it all the more worth checking. So, what'd you find?"

" Papers that were hidden under a false bottom of a drawer."

" Those will definitely need checked over, collect them and keep searching."

" Yes Sir."

About twenty minutes had gone by and the Ackerman duo had managed to find a lot of suspicious files, books, and papers that were worth checking out in a safe place. Levi sighed and looked over to Mikasa.

" I say we stop here, I don't want either of us to push for more time and run into the Commander or Armin. We need to look these over as quickly as possible and relay the information back to the group."

" I understand Sir, but, how can you be so calm right now? You must be worried, can't you?"

" ... You're right, Mikasa, but I trust in Eren. I can tell that's what made you bring this up. He and the others will be fine."

" But you aren't worried?"

" I didn't say I wasn't, I'm terrified out of my mind that something will happen to Eren, myself, or the others. Including you. But I know that Eren wouldn't send us together without a reason, he has a plan and whatever it is, it's too late to back out now. The game has already started."

Mikasa's eyes started to water, and she didn't know why. All she could guess was how wrong she was to avoid Eren the way she did, and how she treated him afterward. Her Captain knew as well, she told him what had happened when they retrieved the brunette, and that's what made it hurt all the more. The girl couldn't hold back her tears, so she shut her eyes in an attempt to hide them.

When Levi was walking out of the room, he took his hand and ruffled Mikasa's hair, causing the girl to fling her eyes open again.

" I know what you might be thinking, and in my opinion, you should wait to apologize to him when this is all over." He swept his hand down the back of her head, " But I'll tell you this though... He doesn't hate you, no, in fact... He hates himself if anything... So promise me that you'll hang on until the end, for Eren's sake..."

The ravenette nodded and felt her tears fall down her cheeks.

Levi hummed in gratitude and left the room, Mikasa following behind him soon after.

The Captain and his subordinate had decided that they would use the brunette's old room to go over the files and books they retrieved, both as a safe place and to give the girl some comfort. Levi read through some of the books, leaving them open to certain pages for later reference, and trying to piece them together with the files they found. Mikasa read through a few of the papers that were handwritten by the Commander himself, and what she read made the the blood in her veins boil over. Time went by like this until both of their faces sparked with an expression of horror.

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