Chapter Five: We Surrender

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As they rode their horses to HQ, Eren and Levi were all the more confident that they would win. Their mission, save Eren's friends, Historia, and possibly the Commander. However, if need be they'll kill the Commander and place Hanji as Commander instead. Eren couldn't stop thinking about Armin, and what Emilia had said. He could only image things have turned for the worse inside Erwin's head, and frankly the teen just hope his friends weren't caught up in the Commander's mess. He just hoped they were all okay.

Levi picked up his pace to catch up to his lover and spoke to him, hoping to calm him.

" Hey, we'll save them. They'll be alright after all of this is over. You'll see."

" It's not that that I'm worried about, it's what the Commander might be doing to my friends if he has his grasp on them."

" He won't be able to do much with us at HQ if he sends his elites to where they saw your transformation, and if they're some left at HQ then I'll take care of them. I've got your back Eren, and besides, I'm still under direct order to supervise you and that means protecting you too."

Eren thought about what he had just said and sighed, as he remembered when he first joined the Scouts and was out on the field. He'd never forget what happened during that recon mission, how many people died just to protect him. He then remembered the Levi Squad but quickly shook his head to rid the thought of them.

Levi saw this and spoke again.

" I'm not going to leave you Eren, not like the rest. They did their duties and I'm sure my Squad died relived that you had gotten away, but promise me you won't mourn over my death by bringing death to others. Promise me."

Eren hesitated but he soon gave his quiet answer, " Yessir."

HQ was in their line of sight and so were a few groups of scouts, and they could tell this would be hard on them. Killing their comrades to keep their silence, but it would have to be done when need be. They got off of their horses and went straight for the building quietly, trying not to gain any attention. The teen and his Captain went over a plan to take out the scouts outside.

" Alright, I counted about twenty-four of them, it'll be difficult but we'll have to take them out. And no turning Titan again or else they'll know for sure that we're here, we don't need any more people after us. I'll get the twelve on the right and I'll assume that you'll be fine with the twelve on the left, if I finish my side first I'll come to you and help."

" I don't know Levi, I think we should go about this differently. I don't think these scouts are aware of what is going on, so killing them would be just be us killing innocent people. Think about this, Erwin wants us alive as of now so we can use this to our advantage. We can pretend that we're surrendering and that way a small group will be taking us inside, a more manageable sized group, and then we can take them out."

Levi thought about it and figured that Eren had a point, and all the more he was surprised yet pleased to see how far he's come. He nodded in agreement and so Levi removed his gear and took out his knife, Eren did the same, and they placed them under their shirts. Afterwards they slowly walked up to the building with their hands up in the air. The scouts took their aim but were hesitating just like Eren had said.

" Don't shoot! We surrender!" Shouted Eren.

One of the scouts shouted back, " Stay where you are!"

" We surrender! So take us to Erwin! Isn't that what he wants?!" Eren shouted again.

Levi watched and listened as this went on but eventually the scout that was answering the teen came to them with three other scouts. They escorted the teen and his Captain inside and the rest remained outside, just like Eren had though. Once they were away from the entrance and no one was near by the two of them took out their knives and killed the scouts. Eren watched their faces as they realized that their life was coming to an end and he hated bringing right. These scouts had no idea what was going on, but now wasn't the time to feel remorse for the fallen. Not yet anyhow, and so the two ran for Commander Erwin's office but they were brought to a stop when they heard something in one of the rooms in the barracks section. Levi kept going but Eren stayed to see what was happening, only to regret staying.

" ... Oh god..."

Inside the room through the sliver between the door and the frame, he saw the Commander with Armin. Only it reminded him of when he saw Levi with him before they left. The Commander was violating his friend but the reason why he couldn't stand watching this was because his friend wasn't putting up a fight against him. Sure the man was their commander but something like this wasn't at all right.

Levi had grabbed a hold of Eren's arm and covered his mouth as he dragged him away from the door, full aware of what he had just seen. They made it to a dark corner and the man released Eren.

" Listen to me. Eren!" Levi shouted in a whisper, " We'll save him, you hear me? For now we have to get everyone else out of here, then we'll come back for Armin and Erwin."

Eren stared at the ground with wide eyes, his breathing erratic, and nodded slowly in agreement. He straightened himself out and followed after Levi. The teen looked back, still hearing his friend's cries, and spoke to himself.

" I will save you."

AN: Okay, so this is up and I'm going to work on Masochistic Lust, I decided I'm not going to write two chapters to make up for last week cuz I tried yesterday and that's why this is up today instead of yesterday. So I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter!!!


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